FunPubic hair: what is its function and what happens...

Pubic hair: what is its function and what happens if you wax?

Currently, one of the most common practices for both men and women is body waxing. There are many people who decide to go through a complete hair removal, be it by laser or other types of techniques that kill the hairs on our body. One of the most delicate areas is the genital area and with it, the pubic hair that usually grows in the area. Since recently it has been very fashionable to wax pubic hair, something that in past years was not very common to see, except in some movies with sexual content. Nowadays it is more and more in fashion, whether for hygiene, or for simple fashion, does it have any benefit to wax pubic hair? Different missions Although we may think that it is simply hair that is born in our body, the truth is that pubic hair fulfills different missions that they will stop performing if we wax it completely. One of these functions is to protect our genital area from the entry of external pathogens or organisms that could cause an adverse reaction in our body.In this case, the pubic hair of women is more important since they are more prone to suffer the entry of these external pathogens. Similarly, another function of pubic hair in both men and women is to cushion them during intercourse. The hair in this case serves to avoid irritation in the genital areas.Finally, experts have also spoken about the importance of this pubic hair to maintain the temperature of the genitals. In this case, it is especially important for men. The hair located on the testicles regulates the temperature, which if not, could alter the production of sperm. How to shave pubic hair?Although there are many advantages that hair has for our health, there are currently many techniques to trim it or even eliminate it permanently.The less harmful and less dangerous alternative is to opt for the cut. It is about maintaining the hair without actually shaving the area, then we find the shaving that we can do with blades or creams. The problem with this type of cut is that we can leave ingrown hairs that can become a problem. Another alternative would be hot wax. This method is one of the most traditional and it has always been used to keep pubic hair short and shaved. Finally, the latest techniques in this regard give us the opportunity to eliminate that hair forever by laser hair removal. In a few sessions, depending on the strength of our hair, it can be removed forever.

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