LivingQuitting smoking before the age of thirty can extend...

Quitting smoking before the age of thirty can extend your life by a decade

A massive study published in the latest edition of the medical journal The Lancet and carried out over 12 years on a total of 1.2 million British women reveals that women smokers who quit before reaching the age of forty can extend their lives by nine years compared to those who never give up the habit. What's more, if the addiction is ended before reaching thirty, life expectancy is lengthened by ten years , say the scientists, adding that the conclusions of their work are applicable to both women and men.

Research also reveals that those who did not quit smoking at any time during the study period were three times more likely to die than those who had never lit a cigarette. And although the amount of daily tobacco a smoker consumes influences the risk of dying, it has been proven that even those who "limit the dose" to 10 cigarettes a day have a mortality rate twice as high as that of non-smokers . The causes of death among smokers are usually chronic lung disease, lung cancer, heart attack and cardiovascular disease .

Tobacco: The 10 Most Common Smoking Diseases in the World

Tobacco use is deeply rooted in society, but little by little it is being rejected. These 10 smoking illnesses will tell you why.

Ten ideas to quit smoking

No one said it's easy, but these tips can help you quit smoking and overcome a pernicious addiction to tobacco.

This is what happens when you quit smoking

Chronology after quitting smoking. When do the benefits begin to be seen in our body?

The diet that protects your lungs

Not smoking is the main thing to take care of them; but, according to science, there are foods that contribute to its good condition.

Stop smoking while you sleep

Quitting smoking is not an easy task due to the high level of addiction it causes, but smokers are aware of the dangers it entails
