NewsRed-yellow sky over Bavaria: Rare weather phenomenon brings rain...

Red-yellow sky over Bavaria: Rare weather phenomenon brings rain of blood

A weather phenomenon can currently be observed in many regions of Bavaria. The sky turns reddish-yellow from Saharan dust.

Munich – Reddish-yellow light is currently shining down from the Munich sky. The reason: Sahara dust from Africa is moving across the Free State*. Southwest winds carry the dust from the desert to Lower and Upper Bavaria. As a meteorologist from the German Weather Service (DWD) said on Tuesday, a strong reddish-yellow discoloration of the sky is expected, especially on Wednesday afternoon. In Munich, the dust seems to have arrived on Tuesday.

There’s been a lot of Sahara dust in the air all day today. But the peak should only be reached around 7 p.m. in the evening. And even tomorrow, the concentration of dust in the air will still be very high: 2000 micrograms per square meter of air column – it would normally be 500 to 1000 micrograms.

Weather phenomenon in Bavaria: Sahara dust makes the sky shine – blood rain is coming

On Wednesday, light rain is also expected to cause “blood rain” in Bavaria, washing out the desert sand. The falling water then turns brownish. For example, the sand can become visible on cars or garden furniture.

Sahara-Staub färbt das Licht über den Allgäuer Alpen in einen ungewohnten Gelbton.


Sahara dust colors the light over the Allgäu Alps in an unusual shade of yellow.

“This is nothing unusual at this time,” said the DWD weather expert. In the process, desert sand is whirled up in low-pressure areas over North Africa and carried around the world in higher air layers. These winds reach Germany mainly in spring and summer.

Sahara dust is important for nature

The desert dust is sometimes even urgently needed for nature, as the DWD further explains. Because the whirled up mineral dust particles would on the one hand supply phytoplankton in the Atlantic Ocean and on the other hand the rainforest soils in the Amazon with important nutrients. He also helps to renew the beaches in the Caribbean. (tkip/dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Header list image: © Jan Eifert / Imago

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