LivingTravelRelax while pregnant with a prenatal massage

Relax while pregnant with a prenatal massage

Traveling during pregnancy can be painful, especially as you begin to carry more weight during pregnancy, often leading to muscle overwork that can create knots and other sore spots. Fortunately, many spas and resorts offer prenatal massages, which promote relaxation, soothe nerves, and relieve tight back and leg muscles in pregnant women.

Prenatal massage is especially beneficial in the second and third trimesters when the extra weight on the abdomen puts pressure on the back, but before booking an appointment, ask questions to make sure the massage therapist has received special training.

During this type of training, massage therapists learn the physiology of pregnant women, how to recognize the special positions they require at different stages of their pregnancy, and how to provide the body with additional cushioning and support. Additionally, licensed prenatal massage therapists learn pressure points to avoid during pregnancy.

High-quality spas will not offer prenatal massages unless they have a specialist on staff. However, there are independent masseurs who do a specialty of prenatal and postnatal massage, particularly in large cities, so you should be able to find a specialist nearby.

Special positions and things to avoid

A prenatal massage differs from traditional massage in two key areas: positioning and sensitive pressure points. Being comfortable and not harming the baby, especially in the third trimester, is essential to achieve safe results from a massage during pregnancy.

The position will differ depending on where you are in your pregnancy, but by the second trimester, all pregnant women should only be massaged while lying on their side. This will ensure that the vena cava, the large vein that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart, will not be under additional pressure or stress.

There are a few ways that you can safely massage your back during the later stages of your pregnancy. Some prenatal massage therapists use special pads with a deep cut in the center so that you can lie on your stomach comfortably, while others ask you to lie on your side with pillows under your head and between your legs.

A prenatal massage should be very relaxing and allow you to relax, so most deep tissue work, abdominal kneading, and certain acupressure points should be avoided. Pregnant women should also avoid hot tubs, hot springs, and mineral waters.

Benefits of prenatal massage

Prenatal massage provides relaxation by relieving stress on the joints, relieves neck and back pain, helps you maintain good posture, and provides flexibility to the labor muscles. Prenatal massage also helps the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which keeps blood flowing to both mother and baby.

Massage can be an important tool at any time in your life, but for pregnant women, it stimulates the different glands of the body, helping to stabilize hormone levels and relieve nervous tension. Additionally, the nourishing touch during pregnancy massage promotes relaxation and provides emotional support.

Other benefits include relief from headaches caused by tension in the face, neck, and shoulders and temporary relief from common aches and pains associated with pregnancy when massage causes your body to release serotonin, your natural chemical to combat pain.

Find a Qualified Prenatal Massage Therapist

Not all massage-oriented spas and resorts will offer prenatal treatments, especially if you are traveling abroad. However, there are still a few ways that you can book this type of massage no matter where you are in the United States, although it can be more difficult to find trusted therapists abroad.

Check with your doctor for a recommendation or browse through the American Massage Therapy Association referral system to find a qualified prenatal massage therapist in your area. Even when you’re traveling, you should be able to enjoy a relaxing spa treatment to unwind after a long trip, but be aware that some doctors may ask your doctor or midwife for permission before accepting your appointment.

If you plan to book multiple massages during your pregnancy, don’t stop once you deliver. Postpartum massage (also called postpartum massage) can help restore your body to its pre-pregnancy condition. It also helps realign your body weight, tone overstretched stomach skin, and relieve muscle tension and stress from childbearing tasks.

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