EntertainmentGames'Retro City Rampage'. Here we have your soundtrack in...

'Retro City Rampage'. Here we have your soundtrack in streaming, to download, and even buy on vinyl

After the joy of last Tuesday to know that the crazy ‘Retro City Rampage’ will also be released on PC, PS3 and PS Vita, apart from the usual versions for Wii (WiiWare) and Xbox 360 (Xbox Live Arcade), it is time to change a bit the chip , moving more now to the chip-tune .

And it is that his collection of winks to video games, series or movies does not remain only in the aesthetic and approach section (both of old games, with phases like the ‘Metal Gear’ of MSX , as well as current ones, such as the ‘Splosion Man ‘, to say just two of the many there will be), but also extends to its soundtrack , with clear influences to’ Mega Man ‘(I recommend the track entitled “Not Mega…” by virt) and many more NES classics.

‘Retro City Rampage’ is back in the news, therefore, and this time in a special way, since not only will we be able to listen via streaming , and without any restriction, its entire OST from its space enabled in Bandcamp , but also We can also buy it in digital format (such as MP3 at 320 kbps or FLAC ) and even in physical format, but not on CD, but on vinyl . So that nostalgia invades us completely. Although the latter will not be cheap.

Also there will be 500 units, only. We can choose the color of the vinyl (blue or green), and apart from receiving a digital copy we will take a Maxime Trépanier poster with the album cover along with a special box for CDs. Its price? 43 dollars (today only for 39).

On the other hand, if we opt for the download in digital format, its price will be ostensibly cheaper ( $ 7.99 ). If after listening to it via streaming we want to have it, it is the most affordable option even if we are finally going to reserve the game for PC, since it will only have ten gift cuts, leaving us without the remaining 14. It is in your hands.

Via | XBLA fans
In Bandcamp | Retro City Rampage
In Vidaextra | ‘Retro City Rampage’. More platforms confirmed along with a wacky new trailer with multiple winks. It’s the bomb, ‘Retro City Rampage’ and its explosive nod to ‘Splosion Man’

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