EntertainmentGames'Retro City Rampage': New video with promise to see...

'Retro City Rampage': New video with promise to see something big very soon. What will be will be?

You have to see what is being done to beg the work of Brian Provinciano. In my case, it is what I expect the most from this 2012, and not only in terms of video games in downloadable format. ‘Retro City Rampage’ promises to be crazy in every way, and with a retro touch that makes it win a lot of integers for the nostalgic as a server. But we’ve been waiting a long time for him.

Supposedly it should have come out last year. Also at the time it was an exclusive WiiWare title. Then Xbox Live Arcade entered the middle, and relegated the Nintendo service to second place, Microsoft enjoying, therefore, a temporary exclusivity of this Vblank Entertainment work that has not just arrived. We are already in February, now there is a new video, and a mysterious final message that invites us to return on February 20 . What will it be?

Well, either that it already has a specific date of departure, or that one more platform has joined the equation. Or neither and instead we will see additional content, with more nods to video games, movies or whatever. Because this ‘Retro City Rampage’ is a compendium of a lot of winning formulas, and that’s why we don’t think it’s going to fail. A more than likely success for WiiWare and Xbox Live Arcade. We’ll talk about him again on February 20, that’s for sure.

Video | Vimeo
Via | Destructoid
In Vidaextra | Ten downloadable games that I will not miss in 2012 (and II)

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