LivingTravelRussian guide to body language etiquette

Russian guide to body language etiquette

Whether you are traveling to Russia for business or just staying at a Russian person’s home, it is always important to communicate well with the Russians around you (otherwise they may be rude to you forever). Body language plays a huge role in Russian communication, and there are some western body language habits that Russians find quite rude. Here is a guide to effective body language in Russia.


  • A handshake is appropriate. Although you may see Russian women kissing on the cheeks and Russian men hugging, and a combination of both, with people you don’t know, it is always better and more appropriate to stick with a handshake. Make sure eye contact along with a firm handshake, both as a greeting and a goodbye. However, don’t shake hands over a threshold; This is considered to bring bad luck in Russia.

Hand gestures

  • Don’t make the OK sign. You’ve probably heard this before: in some countries, circling the tip of the thumb and forefinger is considered rude. Russia is one of these countries. It’s not a terrible offense, but no one will understand what you’re trying to say, so if you’re looking for a sign of approval or reassurance, a thumbs-up is probably a better way to go (if you need to use any hand gestures at all: you could better avoid them).
  • Don’t make a “fig.” A “fig” (or “figa” or “shish” as it is called in Russian) is another hand gesture. This is done by placing the thumb between the middle and index fingers with the rest of the hand in a fist. Again, this is not a cardinal sin; its meaning is similar to that of a mild swear word and is often used by children in an argument. However, it is a rather rude phallic symbol at its origin, and “swearing” and “childish” are probably not concepts you are trying to convey to your Russian conversation partner anyway. So, if you are tempted to show this sign for whatever reason, for example, play “he touched your nose!” With a child, I suggest you don’t do it if you want to be taken seriously.

Personal space

  • Don’t stay too far. Russians tend to be closer to each other during conversation than people in Western countries. This doesn’t mean you should be an inch away from their face, but it does mean that the educated distance is a bit shorter in Russia than you’re probably used to. Stand a little closer than normal if you are talking to a Russian person and you want to sound nice; otherwise, they may appear cold or disinterested.

Presenting your best self

  • Don’t put your hands in your pockets. The following four statements are things your mother and grandmother probably told you as a child, but are taken seriously in Russia. Walking with your hands in your pockets is considered sloppy, so if you are in a business environment, keep your hands where they can be seen.
  • Do not stoop. Similarly, slouching is seen as a sign of rudeness and incompetence in a Russian social setting, so straighten your shoulders if you want to be taken seriously. Of course, this makes sense in other countries besides Russia, but it is especially true here.
  • Put on your best face. If you are in Russia for business or an important meeting, you should not focus on not looking like a lazy person. You must do everything you can to look perfect. You will soon see that in every office, practically every person is dressed in perfectly neat and clean clothing, with their hair (and makeup, if applicable) perfectly done. Women should be especially concerned about always looking their best. Appearance is extremely important to Russians, even more so than in the West, so if you look disheveled, you will quickly lose respect points!
  • Don’t put your shoes on the seats. Another thing your mother probably told you, but in Russia, it is considered rude and could even get you in trouble, or at least yell at someone. Keep your feet off the seats everywhere in Russia.

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