SportScare for Rafa Nadal and Daniil Medvedev: a spontaneous...

Scare for Rafa Nadal and Daniil Medvedev: a spontaneous jumped onto the court during the final of the Australian Open 2022

The match between Rafa Nadal and Daniil Medvedev was interrupted by the entry of a spontaneous on the court. The events occurred during the second set, with 5-3 in favor of the Spanish and a break ball against. The Australian Open security quickly protected the players and stopped the spontaneous.

The woman in question jumped onto the track with a banner protesting the detention of refugees in Australia. Luckily she was left in a scare thanks to the quick reaction of the security, who took her out of the Rod Laver Arena in a matter of seconds so that the match could continue.

The injury will take its toll on Nadal: the money he can lose due...

Rafa Nadal's injury will deprive him of playing several tournaments, with the consequent loss of points and giving up a good sum of money.

The serious consequences of Nadal's injury

Rafael Nadal may suffer important consequences derived from his loss due to a fissure in the third rib arch, produced in Indian Wells.

Nadal misses Montecarlo and Godó and would arrive very fair in Madrid

Rafael Nadal will miss several tournaments due to the injury to the third rib caused in the Indian Wells Masters 1000.

Nadal: "I'm sunk"

Rafa Nadal suffers a stress crack in the third left costal arch that will keep him off the court for between 4 and 6 weeks.

Nadal: "It was difficult for me to breathe"

Rafa Nadal revealed after the loss to Fritz in Indian Wells that it was difficult for him to breathe due to chest pain.
