LivingTravelSee mummies and skeletons in Italy

See mummies and skeletons in Italy

Italy has a series of catacombs that house the bones of the dead, but did you know that Italy also has mummies? Central Italy and Sicily have mummy exhibits that are open to the public through guided tours, often in churches. These mummies have been naturally preserved and displays can be a macabre sight, so we generally don’t recommend them for young children. While most Christian catacombs, especially the more famous ones in Rome, have had their bones removed from public view, there are still several well-known and lesser-known places to see mind-blowing exhibits and countless skulls and bones.


Note: In virtually all cases, these cemeteries, catacombs, chapels, and chambers are places of worship. Although they can attract the macabre sense of the visitors, it is still necessary to be respectful when seeing them. Photographs are generally prohibited, so out of respect, don’t try to sneak around with a skeleton.

Where to go to see Italian mummies and skeletons:

  • Church of the Dead, Urbania Mummies Cemetery : Church of the Dead, Chiesa dei Morti , is a small church in the village of Urbania de Le Marche that has an interesting and slightly macabre display. The cemetery of the mummies, Cimitero delle mummie , is in a small chapel. A guide takes you to the chapel and tells you about the mummies on display. Get visiting details at Urbania Mummies Cemetery.
  • The Museum of the Mummies of Ferentillo : The small town of Ferentillo, in southern Umbria, houses an interesting surprise under the Church of Santo Stefano. The bodies buried there were preserved by a rare microfungus that attacked the corpses and turned them into mummies. Some of the best preserved mummies are on display in what is now the mummy museum at the bottom of the church.
  • Catacombs of the Capuchins : In Palermo, Sicily, the Catacombe dei Cappuccini contains mummified bodies, many of them in good shape that still look realistic. These bodies were mummified by a preservative found in the catacombs. Get information and visit details in the catacombs of Sicily.
  • Skeletons and Catacombs in Italy : Skeletons are found in catacombs in various places in Italy. Labyrinths of underground tunnels were used to bury thousands of bodies and some of them are open for visits or visits. Rome has some of the best catacombs, although in most cases the custodians of the catacombs have removed the bones of the deceased from public view. Still, it is fascinating to see these underground cemeteries and learn about their context as early Christian places of worship. Read more in our guide to the Catacombs of Rome. Please note that in all the catacombs of Rome, visits are by guided tour: with miles of tunnels descending several levels underground, you don’t want to risk getting lost without a guide!
  • The Capuchin Crypt and Museum: In Rome, the best-known skeletons literally roam the Capuchin Friars Museum and Crypt on Via Veneto. Here, thousands of Capuchin brothers are buried in an above-ground cemetery, with their bones and skulls arranged as wall decorations and even as chandeliers. It is a strange place to experiment, but also surprisingly thoughtful and poignant.
  • Creepy Places in Rome : Rome has several places where you can see terrifying attractions, including the body parts of the saints and other unusual relics in the churches of Rome.
    Scary places to visit in Rome | Religious relics in the churches of Rome
  • Etruscan Tombs in Italy – If you prefer to see the graves without the bodies, there are many surviving Etruscan (pre-Roman) tombs in central Italy. One of the best places to see painted Etruscan tombs is in the northern Lazio town of Tarquinia, where there is also a good archaeological museum.

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