EntertainmentGamesSNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium Celebrating...

SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium Celebrating a Historic Neo Geo Pocket-Style Rivalry

It doesn’t matter if you were more of Street Fighter or The King of Fighters during the intense rivalry between the colossi of arcade fighting: SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium is a dream collision between the two sagas , tailored to the N eo Geo Pocket hardware and with very generous doses of fanservice.

A fighting game in its own right that leaves the competitive nuances of arcades on hold to focus entirely on another equally important aspect: pure fun.

Because, although the rivalry between Ryu and Kyo Kusanagi is implicit in the very premise of the game, the first of the Capcom and SNK crossovers is, above all, a celebration of their joint legacy in the field of fighting. . Not only at the content level, but also through its very successful way of bringing together in the same 16-bit portable game the maximum number of options, game mechanics and extras.

Crowning in its key aspect: a total of 26 fighters from renowned sagas such as Street Fighter II, The King of Fighters, DarkStalkers or Samurai Shodown . Reimagined through a very simple and even more casual pixelart, but which makes them keep all their essence. And, in the process, it allows them to unleash their entire repertoire of combos and special moves.

A historic collision between the Osaka Titans that resurfaces on Nintendo Switch at the hands of Code Mystics. Preserving the exceptional treatment that Vancouverites are giving the Neo Geo Pocket classics and, in the process, adding even greater value to the set .

So SNK vs. Not only is Capcom: The Match of the Millennium once again a powerful claim for wrestling fans twenty years after its original release, but never before has it looked so good and offered so many options to the player.

Which brings us to the heart of the experience: the most popular characters from Capcom and SNK’s classic fighting sagas fight together in scramble, once again radiating the great feeling of the Neo Geo Pocket . And that’s phenomenal. But, logically, it is also necessary to face a third rival in the shadows: the passage of time. How has The Match of the Millennium experience aged?

Capcom and SNK: a historical rivalry in the style of Neo Geo Pocket

Two attack buttons, eight directions and more than a thousand ways to hit, subdue and finally knock down the opponent. From the deadly slashes of Haohmaru’s katana to Zangief’s brutal suplex, to Ryu and Ken’s hadoukens and the festival of flames emanating from Kyo and Iori’s fists. Different styles and techniques subject to a universal premise: the last one standing wins the fight.

Now the best of SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium is not its way of making the simple fun, but its way of adapting, as a game, to the fighting experience that the fighter wants at each moment.

Not only based on the contrast between styles, special techniques and identity traits of each of the characters, but also on the way of borrowing and with great success the playable elements of each fighting saga that is present in the game and some of the the most outstanding of each company.

  • On the one hand, allowing us to choose between individual battles in two or more rounds, in pairs in relays (in the style of Marvel vs. Capcom) and even in teams of three following the rules of The King of Fighters tournaments.
  • And not only that: we will also have at our disposal three styles of play (Average, Counter and Rush) that combine the best of each house. Designed so that any player feels comfortable and, in addition, dares to experiment with new styles.

Ahead, and as a premise for the great event of the millennium , a Tournament mode that covers a simple plot but that comfortably meets what is expected of the game: M. Bison and Geese Howard have teamed up to create an army of soulless fighters And the only thing that can get in the way of their plans will be us.

After all, the Tournament is a kind of Arcade mode in which there will be small interludes and interruptions and, depending on our performance, it will expand with the occasional unexpected confrontations. Of course, beyond the way in which the main experience is designed, the game itself is overflowing with replayability.

  • Starting, because depending on who we face we will see small introductory scenes between the characters . And the best thing is that it is possible to fight couples against teams of three or against a solo fighter, for example. There are an awful lot of combinations.
  • On the other hand, because there are pre-designed teams of couples or three participants based on specific themes. And, of course, discovering them is part of the charm of the game itself.
  • In addition, and not least, because by beating the story mode we will have the possibility of unlocking any of the eight secret fighters. A process that will take time, although not too long.

Thus, the main event of the game comfortably fulfills what is expected of it, and the possibilities of tackling it are generous and varied.

But how are the game sensations? From the start, in this official gameplay you can see a complete combat between the standard bearers of each house.

At first, the sensations of the game are not exactly those of the arcades in which these icons of the fight were born. It is not that they are not polished, but that the fluidity of Street Fighter II or the robust combo system of The King of Fighters or DarkStalkers lose great weight.

So SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium is much less complex and consequently much more accessible to everyone. Fans of fighting games, veterans and more casual gamers.

There are details that slightly detract from the whole: executing a dragon fist sequence (forward -> down -> down- forward + attack) requires an extra precision -even using the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller- than in the most extreme situations. It will make us rethink opting for a more reliable alternative if we play doubles with against an advanced level AI.

Not that the response to the controls is bad. Absolutely. Rather, the rhythm of the game itself does not fully correspond to that of other competitive experiences born in arcade rooms. Yes, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium lends itself wonderfully to experimenting and improvising impossible combos. Above all, through relays if we play two fighters.

Holding a legendary rivalry

As we discussed, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium wants to be much more than a fighting game in which up to 26 exceptionally popular fighters from both houses are integrated: its purpose is to celebrate the best of historically confronted sagas in an experience that fills with fanservice to all the world.

An objective that is fulfilled from the first game, everything is said, when seeing the care with which the characters have been recreated, their animations and their attacks in the very characteristic style of Neo Geo Pocket games. Combining with success and an extra charm of their own both universes destined to fight each other.

In the case of the SNK fighters, perhaps the surprise is not so great: those from Osaka rescued the designs of the Neo Geo Pocket games previously published. Managing to portray the essence of each of them with simple sprites made in white, black and an additional color.

And best of all: retaining the same mastery with Capcom characters. Accentuating the differences between Ryu, Ken, and Kyo – the protagonist of Art of Fighting – so that they look really different and, most importantly, feel unique in the game.

Because, perhaps, they are almost cartoonish versions of the kings of arcade wrestling, but they are complete conversions in which with enough skill we can access their complete catalog of movements, which have been reimagined at an artistic level to give the character its own character. game and stay true to the original titles.

Achievements that are even more accentuated with the tailor-made versions of the most iconic stages of all the sagas represented and a musical selection elaborated to live up to all of the above and that makes us not miss any piece. Which is not easy.

Of course, the celebration of SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium goes beyond the Tournament mode: in addition to the obligatory Versus mode, which is brilliantly present in the Nintendo Switch edition, we will be able to train, create our fighter or team to taste and even participate in some crazy organized Olympics for the occasion.

Through Olympic mode, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium gives us access to classic challenge and survival experiences representing one of the two great companies, and what is more interesting: both offer their own selection of minigames.

Minor experiences inspired by Ghosts’ n Goblins, Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown or a curious rhythm game inspired by DarkStalkers that, when added together, pleasantly raise the value of the game itself and, in addition, allow us to obtain invaluable game currency.

Each progress and failure that we have in the Olympics of The Match of the Millennium will be quantified with an amount that will allow us to unlock the Master Skills of each fighter, such as Ryu’s brutal Shin Shoryuken : the definitive version of his dragon fist.

And although the amount of points needed to unlock each Master Skill is very high -in Akuma’s case it is 9,999 points vs.- the truth is that, being fair, obtaining points is not tedious.

In other words: if we are complete, the unlocking process can be routine, of course. But if we play more or less assiduously, it won’t take long for us to obtain the Master Skill that we really want for our favorite character.

On the other hand, the character unlocking system is also part of the experience as a whole: depending on the milestones we make in the Tournament and other modes, we will break blocks into a mosaic randomly. Thus, once they are all broken, we will add an extra fighter.

Only then can we get hold of Akuma, Yuri, Akari Ichijou from The Last Blade or the mischievous BB Hood from DarkStalkers . Characters with extra charisma to which we must add the great bosses: Bison, Geese and the sinister versions of Ryu and Iori.

With that ahead, to what extent is the unlocking process a tedious process? Well, it’s not much different from the processes of the time the juice was released. All in all, the Neo Geo Pocket digital console helps to make the whole much more enjoyable.

SNK’s ace up the sleeve: Neo Geo Pocket’s digital console

There is a key aspect in the version of SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium for Nintendo Switch that makes it even better than the original game, and it is not about added content, but about the way we are allowed to enjoy it. In other words, the Neo Geo Pocket digital console shines with its own light on the whole.

Like all titles within the Neo Geo Pocket Selection label, as soon as the game starts, a replica of SNK’s laptop will appear on the screen. A very special one, by the way:

  • To start with , it allows us to select between several cases based on all the Neo Geo Pocket models launched. Including the transparent variants.
  • In addition, all its buttons and crosshead are functional. That is, it benefits from the Switch’s touch screen, so that we can play The Match of the Millennium without controllers or Joy Con.
  • Another great success is that we can manually adjust the size of the console that is displayed on the screen, so that we can see the entire laptop or expand until the fighters are the size we want. And yes, we can remove the margins so that only the game screen appears.

In addition to the above, the Neo Geo Pocket digital console offers options that should not be missing , including image filters, button configuration, a memory reset of the digital console itself or the always welcome possibility of rewinding.

Did you fall one sad blow away from winning Evil Ryu? Go back a couple of seconds, take cover in time and fight back.

At this point we have to talk about one of the best managed elements of the game: its multiplayer. If we go through the game’s Versus mode, the console screen will be divided into two in a simple and immediate way. We can even adjust the buttons from there.

Thus, each of the players, using Joy Con or sharing laptop, can choose the style and game options to their liking. Being a brilliant way to preserve one of the essential modes of any fighting game and, at the same time, emulating the feeling of having two Neo Geo Pockets.

Code Mystics , architects of the digital console, respected the contents of the original game with remarkable success and adapted to the limitations to open the door to multiplayer . However, in fairness, it is natural in the long run to miss a local Versus mode that does not split the screen. Even the possibility of playing online or via communication between consoles.

However, the successes of the digital console end up weighing much more than the previous one. Especially when among the contents we find a high resolution scanned copy of the original game manual. Yes, in English.

A total of 44 pages that we can expand at ease and in which we find detailed information about the game, its modes and, of course, detailed files with the movements of each fighter. Rounding out even more the feelings of nostalgia that the game itself transmits.

The digital console that Code Mystics has developed for the Neo Geo Pocket Selection games is a great claim in itself to enjoy more and better the classics of the SNK laptop. And in the specific case of SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium , an element that further rounds out the value of the set.

Two decades later, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium gets a second and well deserved chance to shine. And although its gaming experience is not as refined as that of the excellent Capcom vs. SNK 2, which will arrive in 2001, is still able to fill fans of classic fighting games with fanservice.

The fun, light-hearted and custom-designed combat of the Neo Geo Pocket might not be so technical as to consider The Match of the Millennium a competitive experience. But the truth is that we will not miss anything either: the essence of each character has been replicated with special care.

If we add the minigames, its replayability and how well planned the Neo Geo Pocket digital console is to its fighting proposal, we find a terribly entertaining game that will keep us playing for hours.

At first, for the purpose of unlocking the entire panel of fighters. Then, to get all the Master Skills. Finally, because the body asks us for one more game before turning off the Switch. A quick fight or two. Even if we just finished playing another title.

SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium might not be SNK’s best and most ambitious fighting game, but it was definitely the game worth owning a Neo Geo Pocket for . And his return not only retains all the good of the original, but accentuates its successes and its own character. Even within the SNK notebook catalog.

Being, in many respects, the perpetuation of what SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium was always: a celebration of the legacy of the two colossi of arcade wrestling designed to be enjoyed big on a pocket-sized system.

And, at the same time, the long-awaited collision between two historical rivals that, in addition, complement each other wonderfully . Hence, an exceptional fighting alternative, carefree, generous in content and, above all, hilarious.

SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium

SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium

Platforms Nintendo Switch. Originally in Neo Geo Pocket.
Multiplayer Yes
Developer SNK / Code Mystics
Company SNK
Launch February 17, 2021
Price 7.99 euros

The best

  • A spectacular panel of fighters with a look that radiates charisma
  • Lots of options when fighting and very original modes
  • The digital console is just perfect


  • Control system does not match the precision of arcade classics
  • No gaming alternatives to two consoles or online multiplayer

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