FunSoccer tennis: what is it, basic rules and how...

Soccer tennis: what is it, basic rules and how to play it

Soccer and tennis are two of the most popular sports in the world, but did you know that there is also a sport in which both are united? It is about tennis football of which we now reveal all the keys to what it is, what its rules are and how it is played.

Soccer tennis: what is it

Soccer tennis is a game that has been booming for several years (it was invented in 1992) as young players look for new ways to have fun. A specific soccer game that also combines aspects of tennis and volleyball, which can help us improve the instincts and technical skills of players of all ages. It is played with a ball similar to a soccer ball, although the playing field is a tennis court .

The basic rules of soccer tennis

The rules of soccer tennis are set by the International Federation of Soccer-Tennis (BIDFT) , since it is a sport that to date and today is practiced informally.

Player for the first time in 1992 in Argentina it is said that the player Hernán Daniel Lozada was the one who wrote the first soccer tennis regulations, whose rules are quite similar, we have to say to those of soccer as well as tennis but with some differences. For example, the main difference is that the ball used is similar to a soccer ball, but has more air. There is also a referee who checks that the plays are made within the established order.

The soccer-tennis regulation establishes that the ball cannot be touched twice in a row by the same player, and from the 3 touches allowed for the team in question, the bounce of the ball on the field of play is not mandatory.

The game is established between two single, double or triple teams . Each tournament is divided into three sets, and in the middle of each sets there is a half or rest time . Whoever gets the most points through the sets wins.

It is very important to note that at no time can the ball be touched with the arms or hands and no more than two rebounds can be made. Each team must make the ball go over the net towards the opposing team, as a rule and if it bounces off the net then it is dead ball.

How to play soccer tennis

Having established the bases or basic rules of soccer tennis, let’s see how we can play a game of this sport:

  • Place two players on each side , as in a doubles tennis match.
  • A player from team A “serves” the soccer ball to the other side . Once it passes over the net, team B has a maximum of three hits and one bounce to return the ball to team A’s side of the court.
  • Team A, then, has three touches and one rebound to keep the game going.
  • The bounce can come at any time during the return. So if Team B chooses to let the ball bounce before touching it, then it will have three hits to pass it over the net without letting it bounce again. Or team B can volley team A’s serve before it rebounds, which means they will then have two more hits and a rebound to return it to the other side.
  • There is no need to alternate touches between teammates , as is often done in volleyball. If a Team B player lets the serve rebound, then taps it three times without the help of a teammate and returns it to the net, it is a legal play. However, everyone’s participation is encouraged and helpful in winning a match.
  • Beginners (and those who are getting used to the concept of the game) should play more defensively, basically making sure they can pick up the ball within the rules and carry it to the other side.
  • However, once the players become more skilled and comfortable, they can begin to play strategically . For example, Team B may attempt to return a serve by dropping it behind Team A’s players, as long as it stays within bounds. A skilled Team B player may attempt to kick (or head) a Team A player, which would put the Team A player in an awkward position of having to avoid the ball and return it.
  • Scoring can be structured based on the amount of time you have , but following the new volleyball rally scoring method is usually the most exciting, meaning each time the ball hits the opponent’s ground results in a point of one of the teams. As with the rules of tennis and volleyball, the team that does not place the ball in the area within the boundaries of the other team loses the point.

With some practice, it is easy to get used to playing this sport that like the others, and in particular, as with volleyball, it is very fun and enjoyable.

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