EntertainmentGamesSony stays with 'Ghostbusters: the Videogame'

Sony stays with 'Ghostbusters: the Videogame'

After stumbling around like a hot potato, it seems that 'Ghostbusters: The Videogame' already has a distributor. Sony, which owns the rights to the film, will be the company in charge of publishing this title after the agreement it has reached with Atari. If you are thinking that this could mean some kind of advantage for Sony consoles, you are right.

The game will be released on June 19 only for PS2 and PS3 under a temporary exclusive of a series of months (we do not know how many) after which the version for PSP will be released. The rest of the versions (XBox 360, PC, Wii, DS) will be released by Atari later.

In the end, the ones who are left with a silly face are us, all we want is for the game to come out of a damn time to be able to catch those damn ghosts, damn it.

Via | Eurogamer, TVG

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There is something strange, in the neighborhood, who are you going to call? To the dough! What do you mean La Masa? You have to call 'The Ghostbusters', they are much more cool and also ...
