EntertainmentGamesStarbreeze reaches an agreement with Koch Media for the...

Starbreeze reaches an agreement with Koch Media for the publication of Payday 3 and announces its launch for 2023

Starbreeze, the company behind Payday 3 , was experiencing great problems for its development and distribution. After several layoffs in the workforce and a forecast of increased revenue, now the company has managed to reach an agreement that guarantees the future of the brand.

Koch Media , a subsidiary of Embracer Group , has announced that it will be responsible for the global co-publishing of Payday 3 with Starbreeze. The figures represent an important breath of air, since an investment of more than 50 million euros is expected for the development and commercialization of the title.

In addition, content under the game-as-a-service format is provided for 18 months after launch. This implies continuous development, as well as the publication of new content. The signing of this agreement implies the full financing of Payday 3.

The news does not end here. Now we know that the work of robbing banks with friends will arrive sometime in 2023 , both for PC and consoles. “We are delighted to announce this co – publishing agreement for long – term Payday 3 with Koch Media (…). We now have a solid foundation for the successful launch of Payday 3″, said Tobias Sjögren has, CEO of Starbreeze acting.

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