assisted fertilization

Genetic grief: when we cannot be mothers with our own eggs

Grief is the reaction to a significant loss in our lives, whatever its type. When we speak, more specifically, of genetic grief, we speak of the emotional reaction of loss when we cannot have children with our own eggs (or sperm in the case of men).

Parents recover their biological daughter after a clinic mistakenly implanted the embryo of another couple into the woman

Alexander and Daphna Cardinale, a Los Angeles couple, "had a real nightmare," as they say, after discovering that a fertility clinic implanted Daphna with another couple's embryo.

Transferring a single embryo per reproduction cycle would reduce multiple pregnancies and save the state 45 million euros

The number of multiple pregnancies in Spain has doubled in the last two decades, largely due to the increase in the gestational age of mothers associated with the greater use of assisted reproduction treatments. And it is that at present, most fertility clinics continue to transfer more than one embryo at a time to achieve pregnancy, increasing the probability of conceiving a multiple pregnancy by 13 times.


Schedules of the Valencia GP of MotoGP in Cheste and how to see it

The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

"Don't talk to me!": Danni Büchner makes a clear announcement to hated party guests

Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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