
Software that turns literature into music

It's called "TransProse" and its function is as simple as it is interesting: it "translates" literature into music. Those responsible are Hannah Davis, programmer, artist and musician from New York (USA) and scientist Mohammad Saif from the National Research Council of Canada. Both of them merged their areas of interest to achieve that a novel could be translated into music.

Three reasons why reading benefits mental health

According to Guillermo García Ribas, Coordinator of the Behavior and Dementia Study Group of the Spanish Neurology Society (SEN), “reading is one of the most beneficial activities for health, since it has been shown to stimulate brain activity and strengthen neural connections ”. An active brain not only performs its functions better, but also increases the speed of response. But also, in recent years, there have been many studies that have linked the level of reading and writing with an increase in cognitive reserve.

Reading the classics is good for the brain

Reading the texts of great writers like Shakespeare can be a more effective therapy than self-help books, according to a study from the University of Liverpool. The authors of the investigation assure that the prose of the classic authors has beneficial effects on the mind, and stimulates the moral brain.

Why do we like television reruns so much?

Why do we like to watch over and over again the rerun of certain movies and television series, repeatedly reread a book, listen to a certain song a hundred times or repeat the same holiday destination year after year? Cristel Russel, Professor of Marketing at the American University of Washington (USA), has analyzed the science behind this very common phenomenon.

Why the old paper turn yellow?

Scrolls, manuscripts, old books ... all have in common a characteristic smell and the yellowish color of their pages. Scientists have long known that this yellowing is due to the fact that cellulose, the main component of paper, oxidizes over time. However, until now it was not known in which part of this molecule the color change occurred. A study published in Physical Review Letters solves the mystery.

Why read books makes us feel good?

According to a study by the University of Buffalo recently published in the journal 'Psychological Science', when we read a book, psychologically we feel part of the community that stars in the story, for example the group of magicians in the case of the saga of Harry Potter.

24 Symbols, the Spotify of books

24 Symbols is an online platform created in Spain that allows free access to digital books in "the cloud". The 24 Symbols beta, nicknamed the "Spotify of books", offers a Freemium model that allows you to read for free in exchange for advertising, and the Premium model will be available from June 30.

A study with twins reveals the importance of good teachers to learn to read

Genetics or environment? What weighs more when learning to read? According to a new study by scientists at Florida State University (USA) and published in the journal Science, quality teaching allows children's natural reading skills to emerge. However, in classrooms with less-trained teachers, all students are consistently low, regardless of genetics.


Schedules of the Valencia GP of MotoGP in Cheste and how to see it

The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

"Don't talk to me!": Danni Büchner makes a clear announcement to hated party guests

Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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