
How to start breastfeeding after childbirth: the first shots

After waiting so long, the baby is finally born. You look into his eyes, you are overflowing with happiness and you ask yourself, what now? If you have chosen to feed your baby with your milk, the best option from a nutritional, immunological and emotional point of view, we tell you how to start breastfeeding.

Biomarkers of breast cancer discovered in breast milk

We have commented on several occasions that breast milk is a living, intelligent and inimitable food, which adapts to the needs of the baby at each stage of its development. Hence, it is recommended exclusively during the first six months of the baby and supplemented until at least two years of life.

Frenectomy in the baby: my experience as a mother of an infant operated on for a short lingual frenulum

My third baby was born with a submucosal-type sublingual frenulum; a condition that began to affect our lactation practically from the first day, causing cracks, painful feedings and poor weight gain.

Why is it not a good idea to do without night feedings when breastfeeding?

Having a baby can be exhausting. In fact. It has been studied that parents lose many hours of sleep in the first year of their baby's life. And, if we breastfeed, this fatigue can fall more on the mother, who is in charge of feeding the baby at night.

The 15 best nursing pillows to use with your baby

I recognize that the usefulness you find in a nursing pillow knows no middle ground: either it becomes essential when feeding your baby (whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding), or it gets forgotten in a drawer . In my case I was from the first group and a repeat offender, since I used it with my two daughters and until the last day of the second lactation, which lasted almost two years.

The 15 best nursing pillows to use with your baby

I recognize that the utility you find in a nursing pillow knows no middle ground: either it becomes essential when feeding your baby (whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding), or it gets forgotten in a drawer . In my case I was from the first group and a repeat offender, since I used it with my two daughters and until the last day of the second lactation, which lasted almost two years.

Medical tests during breastfeeding: which ones are compatible and which ones are not?

It may happen that a nursing mother is in need of certain medical tests, such as an MRI, a computerized tomography or an X-ray, and has doubts about whether to stop breastfeeding.

They find contaminants such as mercury and arsenic in more than 80% of breast milk

Scientists from Granada have analyzed samples of breast milk from donor mothers and have requested their constant monitoring after finding arsenic in almost all of them, with higher levels than in other parts of Europe, and in more than 80% traces of mercury. .


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The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

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Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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