Newborn care

What is the corrected age of premature infants and why it should be taken into account up to two years

When a baby is born prematurely, its development generally occurs at a different rate than a full-term baby. That is why growth milestones should not be evaluated taking into account their chronological age but rather their corrected age, even up to two years due to the process that takes place during that period of time.

Seven essential tips for caring for your premature baby

Ten percent of children born in the world do so prematurely, before the 37th week of gestation. In Spain, the number of premature births is one in 13 births, being one of the European countries with the highest rates of premature births.

My newborn baby sneezes a lot, does he have a cold?

Sneezing is frequently associated with colds and allergies. However, newborns sneeze a lot. It is normal for parents to wonder: does he have a cold?

Can I touch the baby? The question you should always ask before approaching a newborn

Every time a baby is born, people close to the parents want to meet him as soon as possible, and many of them want to hold him in their arms. And, who can resist such tenderness? I admit that I am one of those people who see a baby and feel the urgent need to touch its little hands, legs, feet ...

A mother nurse performs the first tests on her own baby after birth

After delivery, the baby must undergo a series of routine tests and procedures to assess its general condition, including clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord, as well as the Apgar test. These tests are performed by the medical team that assisted in the delivery.

Why does my baby have hair loss and bald spots on his head?

Has your baby been born with a lot of hair and is losing it? Do you find hairs in his crib and see a bald spot on his head? Don't worry, it is normal for the baby's hair to fall out in the first months of life.

149 Turkish boy names for your baby with the most beautiful sounds and meanings

If you are looking for ideas of different names for your baby, those of Turkish origin can be a good option, especially if you like them short. In addition, they evoke suggestive sounds, very different from those of the Spanish language and contain beautiful meanings that, in the case of children, allude to qualities and moral values, emotions and animals.

111 Turkish girl names for your baby with the most beautiful sounds and meanings

The great proliferation of Turkish series in Spain and the success achieved by some of them, has caused us to look towards this country and their sonorous names become a close possibility to put our babies.


Schedules of the Valencia GP of MotoGP in Cheste and how to see it

The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

"Don't talk to me!": Danni Büchner makes a clear announcement to hated party guests

Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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