Words are very powerful, but even though your baby can't pronounce them yet - he still can't pronounce "I love you" - he will make gestures of love with which you will melt.
Today, October 1, World Smile Day is celebrated, a date created with the aim of raising awareness about this simple and universal gesture that can bring so many benefits to oneself and to others.
A baby's smile is the greatest gift there can be for parents. There are babies who smile at birth, and even babies who we can see smile in the womb thanks to 3D ultrasounds.
When we hold our little newborn in our arms we drool. That no one can deny. A lot of feelings and thoughts go around our head, and a kind of "click" takes place in our way of being. We started a special bond that will allow us, little by little, to understand what babies say to us without talking to each other.
When babies are born, interactions with parents are few. Many are barely able to even look at you much, and it comes down to being calm if everything is okay or crying if they feel they need something.
Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.