LivingThey don't speak, but they can communicate: what babies...

They don't speak, but they can communicate: what babies tell us with their gestures

When we hold our little newborn in our arms we drool. That no one can deny. A lot of feelings and thoughts go around our head, and a kind of “click” takes place in our way of being. We started a special bond that will allow us, little by little, to understand what babies say to us without talking to each other .

And it is that teaching the baby to communicate before being able to speak is vital for its proper development, not only in relation to the area of language, but also to the rest. That is why it is very important to know that you don’t have to talk to want to share something with another person.

Since our little one arrives in this world, he doesn’t stop telling us things . He wants to share with us all his feelings, concerns, fears …

We ourselves make use of this non-verbal communication at certain times when we do not have an appropriate oral language or, simply, the language between the interlocutors is not the same and, therefore, understanding between both is not possible.

How is it possible that someone so small can communicate with us? Very easy. Just as we can communicate with the baby in pregnancy, he does the same with us. And later, after being born, there are many ways in which he makes us participate in his new discoveries.

Baby’s gaze

Through the simple gesture of directing his gaze to us, he will be able to capture (even more if possible) our attention. This ability is called visual attention , and it will ensure that we are talking to our little one as long as he demands it.

Thanks to your gaze, you will get your learning adventure to begin. How? Very easy. Instinctively we are going to react to those little eyes by talking and talking non-stop. We address the little one in a special way that captures him and makes us start a joint interaction that will help him develop.

It may seem that he is not paying attention to us or that he does not understand what we are saying, but nothing is further from the truth since these mini-conversations that we have with babies will stimulate them and develop the different skills that have to do with it. language area.

Baby smile

Few things cheer our souls more than seeing our children smile for the first time. The newborn outlines an angelic smile that, although it melts us with love, is nothing more than a spontaneous movement of the lips and reflex for no reason. We can even see him make that gesture inside the mother’s womb, in some ultrasounds the baby can be clearly seen “smiling” for the camera.

Later, between the fourth and sixth week of life, their first smile arrives, a social smile in response to a stimulus from the father or mother. Little by little, in response to stimuli, pampering and caresses, he will add sounds to the smile and will accompany it with a movement of his hands and legs. And later around four months he’ll start laughing out loud

Body movements

The different body movements of our baby will also provide us with a large amount of information about what he needs, wants, happens to him … Stretch his arms so that we can take him out of the crib or chair and kick when he wants to go out and nobody he attends. When he gets angry, he tense and squirms …

If we pay attention to the context and their facial expressions or movements we can understand if they want to eat, are uncomfortable or feel distress.

In addition, everything he does when we are with him or he is peacefully resting will also influence his development and will directly influence the environment, making him gradually mature at a cognitive, social, motor and communicative level.

Baby’s gestures

He will also use gestures such as frowning when something puzzles him, or nose and mouth when faced with a new and unappetizing food, or open his mouth widely when surprised.

Communication is still closely linked to emotions as well as physical needs.

Your baby imitates you

Closely linked to these movements is the imitative capacity that the baby has when he sees us doing something. By repeating different actions that we do while we are communicating with him, he will motivate us to continue teaching him a multitude of other things that he will learn with all the pleasure in the world. We must not forget that babies learn by imitation and research.

Crying baby

Undoubtedly, the way par excellence used by the baby to communicate that he is unhappy or in pain . Little by little, as we get to know each other, we will learn to identify the reason for our baby’s crying.

It may be because he is hungry, cold, uncomfortable, has a dirty diaper, is in pain, or because he needs to be in your arms to feel safe. The reasons can be varied, but the baby’s cry should always be attended to, whatever the time.

Babies tell us many things without speaking to us , a capacity that as we grow older seems to be becoming more and more forgotten. The one who speaks the most is not the best communicator, but the one who transmits the most.

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