EntertainmentGames'Test Drive Unlimited'. Atari says it will not shut...

'Test Drive Unlimited'. Atari says it will not shut down its servers when its sequel arrives

One of the main problems when a sequel comes out is that the original title is neglected a bit. Fortunately, Atari has just assured that it will not close the servers of the first 'Test Drive Unlimited' , putting an end, incidentally, to the rumors that arose that it would close them.

And it would be something unfair to be the second, since even today there are people who continue to play the first online. A fact that I was able to verify not long ago since I booked this first delivery taking advantage of the fact that it is reduced in price. So the servers will not be shut down now or in a year. There are still many kilometers to go in 'TDU' .

Although if we get tired of its island, at least we will have another alternative with its sequel, reminding you that it will be released on September 24 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Via | Eurogamer

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