LivingTetanalgesia, the calming effect of breastfeeding babies

Tetanalgesia, the calming effect of breastfeeding babies

“Tetanalgesia” is a term coined to refer to the calming effect of breastfeeding babies , a fact that seems to have been sufficiently verified by rigorous studies but is not yet widely practiced.

The term was created by pediatricians M. Merino Moína, who together with J. Bravo Acuña produced an interesting article that explains what this newly created word means.

“Tetanalgesia” is intended to express and define the effect of relief and comfort that suckling at the mother’s breast when they feel pain causes in the newborn and the young infant. It is logical to think that this effect occurs, carried out instinctively from the origins of our species and other mammals.

And it is that the fact of physically holding the baby in the mother’s lap, providing warmth, its own smell, protection and also a sweet food , reduces the external signs of pain sensation in young children.

However, despite this evidence, the absence of cost and harmful side effects, breastfeeding to calm painful processes in babies is not included in the routines of normal analgesic procedures in many maternity wards and primary care centers.

The authors claim the “implantation” of breastfeeding as an accompaniment to certain painful procedures that is carried out in babies of a few days old (such as the heel test) and during the first months (and why not, years), such as vaccinations or blood draws, if they should be done.

They call on pediatricians to allow breastfeeding of the baby in medical procedures and in all those that involve pain for the baby and breastfeeding is possible.

Tetanalgesia isn’t magic, but it helps

If this practice has not spread, it may be because, as they point out, obviously breastfeeding the baby does not work miracles so that the pain disappears completely , and the baby, still breastfed, will probably cry:

There is no magic: the child is hurt and it hurts. But it is clear that in this way there are fewer who cry and in any case the participation of the nursing mother, in itself, would justify its use and dissemination. This is an aspect to highlight, since tetanalgesia reinforces breastfeeding.

Although I think that it is quite magical that with such a simple act we show them our love and alleviate their pain even if it is an iota.

In addition, given the advantages of tetanalgesia , another is pointed out that could be important since it occurs in the first days of the baby’s life, essential for a good establishment of breastfeeding, when many mothers still feel insecure.

This is the case of the heel test, which if it is done by allowing the mother to breastfeed the baby, the healthcare personnel are offered the possibility of observing a breastfeeding, in which errors in latching or posture can be detected, and even In the case of a correct breastfeeding technique, it will always be a good time to reinforce the mother and promote breastfeeding.

An interesting concept is that of tetanalgesia to refer to this effective and natural way of calming the baby’s pain by breastfeeding , which we mothers should claim and health professionals should facilitate.

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