FunThe 5 scary horror movies according to science

The 5 scary horror movies according to science

If you are a fan of the horror genre, surely you are interested in knowing which are the scary movies according to science . It is the result of a study carried out by “Broadband Choices” in which 250 volunteers participated, who were given 40 of the scariest films in history, including premieres from the last two years and classics highly rated by critics.


A British film that ranks first in the ranking. It revolves around the story of six friends who carry out a séance for Zoom during the quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic . What they don’t know is that the session will lead them to terrifying experiences when an evil spirit invades their homes.


“Sinister” is a horror film with excellent ratings from critics and viewers. A journalist travels with his family across the country to investigate murders that he later writes about. When he arrives at a house where a family has been murdered, he finds a tape that reveals shocking clues .


Third on the list goes to “Insidious.” Josh, his wife Renal, and their three children move into an old house. After an accident, one of the children falls into a coma and, at the same time, the strangest phenomena begin to occur .

The Warren File (2013)

This movie is based on a true story documented by demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren . It recounts the supernatural encounters that the Perron family experienced in their Rhode Island home in the early 1970s.


And finally, “Hereditary”, an American film that in 2018 won many awards, including the Chicago Critics Association in the category of “Best Actress”. Strange things start to happen at the Grahams’ when the matriarch dies and leaves the house as an inheritance to her daughter Annie. His young daughter begins to see ghosts, who also begin to appear before her brother .

These are the scary horror films according to the “Science of Scare” project from “Broadband Choices.” The researchers measured the heart rate of the participants while they watched the tapes, and thus developed the ranking . “Host” is the first on the list, and it was shot in just 12 weeks. It managed to raise viewers’ heart rates by an average of 24 beats per minute.

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