SportThe alarms go off: Márquez could undergo surgery for...

The alarms go off: Márquez could undergo surgery for the fourth time

A prestigious French magazine has published a complete analysis of the situation of Marc Márquez on what has happened since he was injured. With three operations under his belt during this time, Honda team officials would be investigating the matter to clarify responsibilities in the event that they existed, and Marc Márquez renewed before this setback at a rate of 15 million euros per season. According to Moto Revue, Honda has elegantly agreed to pay the full amount for 2020 despite the fact that it has not been able to compete, something that could be reconsidered in 2021 if the Spaniard undergoes surgery for the fourth time. , a former osteopath from the clinic who travels to the circuits to attend the pilings that require it, which does not rule out that it may be so. “Getting back on the bike four days after the operation was crazy. Especially in Jerez, a circuit where the riders don’t have a moment to breathe, the braking comes one after the other ”, he began by saying. “With a fracture and surgery you lose muscle mass. If a clavicle is broken, it can be blocked with the rest of the arm, but the humerus… In addition, the plate could have been broken at any time “, he added. Those responsible for the Marc Márquez disaster On those responsible for this recklessness, he pointed out:” When you get back on the bike four days after an operation everyone is responsible. The doctors, the team leaders… But first of all, the surgeon who performed the intervention; In an upper limb such as the humerus, the first calcification requires at least three weeks, and it takes six weeks to complete it. Both Mir and Chartre are responsible for this disaster.After the operation, the healing times were not respected, nor was the risk of complications taken into account. ”The one who has exonerated the osteopath is Marc Marquez since he followed the recommendations of the specialists. In addition, every good professional wants to get back on track as soon as possible. However, Bernard Achou has set off alarms by adding: “Osteomyelitis is very difficult to treat. If the antibiotics do not work, a fourth intervention will surely be necessary to remove the plaque, clean the bone, cut the affected area and immobilize it with external fixators. ”“ I hope that all this is not necessary, I find it unacceptable that a pilot of this category cannot compete ”, he continued. Bernard Achou has set the alarm bells once again when he talks about the psychological aspect that Marc Márquez will have to face when he returns to competition: “The psychological aspect must not be underestimated, Márquez will once again compete under a sword of Damocles. If you fall again and injure your arm again, it could be dramatic. And that is mentally complicated. ”Honda’s statement on Marc Márquez’s health status For the peace of mind of the fans, Honda recently published a communication assuring that his evolution was favorable:“ The eight-time world champion has been visited after six weeks of the surgery performed on December 3 for infected pseudoarthrosis of the right humerus. A satisfactory clinical and radiographic evolution has been confirmed for the evolution time. The patient continues with the specific antibiotic treatment and with the functional recovery program adapted to his clinical situation ”.Marc Márquez, for his part, although with his arm immobilized, has resumed physical activity, which invites optimism. The Spaniard is being more active on his social networks, where he publishes images about how physical preparation and bodybuilding are working. Marc Márquez’s injury The 27-year-old driver fell on July 19, 2020 at the Spanish Grand Prix , in Jerez. Although initially the doctors gave him the go-ahead to participate in the Andalusian Grand Prix, after having undergone surgery days ago, he was not able to do a single lap and had to postpone his return. Later, Marc Márquez had the bad luck of breaking the titanium plate when opening a large window in his house, which is why he underwent a second surgical intervention. The third took place in December after an infection was discovered in the injured area that prevented the union of his bones. Now, according to Bernard Achou, the antibiotics will determine if he is operated for the fourth time. Everything will depend on whether they take effect or not.

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