EntertainmentGamesThe best PS2 games according to the best developers

The best PS2 games according to the best developers

This week has marked the tenth anniversary of the launch of the legendary PS2 in the United States and to celebrate it the most important developers of the country of the stars and stripes have released what, for them, are the best games of the second console of Sony .

Schafer, Levine, Bleszinski and company do not surprise with their evaluations except in a few exceptions, but nobody can deny that, although each one has their tastes, most of us would agree to name the 5 best PS2 games . The ” best ” is already more, complicated. Personally I think I would hesitate between ‘Shadow of the Colossus’ and ‘Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater’.

  • Tim Schafer (Psychonauts) Katamari Damacy – “ This game takes me to a world of madness that I never want to leave. Growing from the size of a mouse to that of a planet is incredibly satisfying.
  • Ken Levine (BioShock) Dark Cloud 2 – “ It’s a ‘Devil meets’ Sim City’ who meets’ Tiger Woods Golf ‘who meets’ Pokemon’. If I could only enjoy one game in my life, this would be the one.
  • Warren Spector (Deus Ex) Ico – “ For some reason the panoramas and scenes he shows are beautiful. And that beauty offers a window to a world that seems more real than any other video game. You can feel the story, its depth, in a way that no other game reaches.
  • Cliff Bleszinski (Gears of War) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – “ Take the good stuff from ‘GTA III’ and polish it to revolution.
  • Chet Faliszek (Left 4 Dead) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – “ It is my favorite installment of the series for the simple reason that I can go with a bus full of men from my band getting territory.
  • Todd Howard (Oblivion) Grand Theft Auto III – “ The signal that makes a great game is how many people have tried to emulate or copy what you have done and failed. And there is a long line behind this one.
  • David Jaffe (God of War) Ico – “ A fantastic and exciting adventure. People are obstinate in talking about its artistic design and forget that it was also a great game. Puzzles, fun exploration, and great protect-the-girl mechanics make it the number one spot in my ten favorite games.

Via | PlayStation Blog

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