LivingThe child who does mischief is not bad: it...

The child who does mischief is not bad: it is part of his nature

The childish nature is full of curiosity and the need to explore. This concern can be overwhelming at times, but it is necessary to understand that it is the normal process of growth and development of children.

“Many of the things that we need can wait, children cannot, now is the time, his bones are in formation, his blood is also and his senses are developing, we cannot answer him tomorrow, his name is today.”

-Gabriela Mistral-

And it is that childhood is a very beautiful stage, full of challenges for both children and parents, and mischief is an intrinsic part of it.

However, it seems that there are some children who are much more naughty than others, and this can be due to various reasons. We talk about children who do mischief : what they are like and why.

pranks in childhood

First of all, it is important to point out that pranks are good, normal and natural during childhood. Mainly, they are due to the exploratory eagerness of children and their restless nature .

It is not good to label children, even though we usually use labels without any bad intention. In this case, we are talking about children who do a lot of mischief, which are usually very lively children who are constantly exploring the world around them.

However, some of them, in this discovery, may present behaviors that are not the most appropriate , carrying out actions that can cause damage to objects and even other people, although these actions are always well-intentioned.

It is also important to know that during the first two years of life disobedience is not usually a very big problem, but from the age of three is when children can become truly naughty.

We insist that this is not a bad thing, but a perfectly normal and expected behavior for his age.

Children who play pranks are very lively, and are in a constant exploration of the world around them, but in that discovery they can present behaviors that are perhaps not the most appropriate.

Why does my son do so many mischief?

There are several reasons why a child can be very naughty. Remember that all kids get into mischief from time to time, and it’s perfectly normal.

There are some reasons why children can be very naughty , and that is that their behavior can tell us what is going on inside them, their thoughts and emotions. Thus, very naughty children can tell us that:

The child understands that he is an independent person from his father and mother.

And it is that just at this stage a crisis occurs in which the child really understands that he is a different person apart from mom and dad, beginning a restructuring of the way in which he understands himself with the whole world and the relationship with their caregivers.

“Childhood is a wonderful stage. There is no past, there is no future; just a present that is looked at with innocence and illusion”.

-Carla Montero-

The changes brought about by schooling

The same thing happens again around six years of age, when another crisis occurs for the child that implies important changes, which precisely tends to coincide with schooling . Having so many changes in front of them, it is normal for children to have mischievous behavior.

They crave our attention

One of the ways that children show us that they need more attention from us as parents is to get into a lot of mischief.

The idea of them is to get attention, no matter if it is in a positive or negative way, and this often involves constant mischief.

Although children are mischievous by nature, they can also sometimes resort to “pranks” to get our attention.


Another of the most common causes of mischievous behavior in children is boredom. And it is that when they do not have anything fun to do , their nature will lead them to explore new possibilities, and that often implies behaviors that may not be the most appropriate.

little time with parents

Another of the frequent reasons for a child to behave in a naughty way is that he does not have enough time with his parents, so he seeks to get their attention so that they can be attentive to him.

And with this we do not intend to “blame” anyone, far from it; just understand some of the possible causes of these shenanigans.

temperament and character

On the other hand, pranks are part of the intrinsic nature of children, and their innate desire to experiment with the environment around them, to explore, discover, learn…

And if we add to this that each child is a world, with their own character and temperament, then it is easy to understand that there are children who, due to their own way of being (and because of what they have lived with their siblings, the way in which have been educated, etc.), are more mischievous than others.

How to know if it is not a pathology?

In recent years, various psychopathologies have gained strength, and it seems that the number of diagnoses of children with behavioral and/or emotional disorders increases every day , so it is understandable that you may feel some concern about it.

Disorders related to hyperactivity, inattention and difficulties related to impulse control are becoming more common, and for this reason many parents wonder if their children are just naughty or there is something more.

The first thing you need to know is that this diagnosis can only and exclusively be made by a mental health professional . So, if you suspect that your child may have some difficulty, please consult a specialist for a comprehensive assessment.

But remember that it is perfectly normal for children to be naughty, just keep in mind if these behaviors are persistent over time and if they occur in all areas of their lives such as at home, at school, in the park, etc.

It’s perfectly normal for kids to be naughty, but if the behaviors are persistent and interfere with your day-to-day life, then see a professional.

Also, be attentive to whether these types of behaviors are interfering with their daily development, because this could indicate the need for a more detailed evaluation.

Respect their mischievous nature

And if this is not the case, let your children enjoy their freedom and their desire to experiment; yes, with limits and rules, but respecting his mischievous nature! Surely in the future they will thank you for letting them be themselves, which is the most perfect way to be.

“All older people were children at first, although few of them remember it.”

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry-

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