FunThe curious Egyptian method to sleep cool on summer...

The curious Egyptian method to sleep cool on summer nights

Although summer is a very beautiful and special time of the year, it also has its negative side. And is that, sleeping when the heat is pressing is a practically impossible mission. Experts point out that the ideal temperature for sleeping ranges between 18 and 21 degrees, and it becomes very difficult after 25. Putting the air conditioning or the fan is not a good idea due to the risks it entails for health, So why not try the Egyptian method of sleeping cool in the summer ?

According to ‘La Vanguardia’ has published, in Ancient Egypt people used to wet their bedding just before going to bed to stay cool throughout the night . At first it may seem strange, but the truth is that it is very effective when it comes to cooling the room and lowering body temperature.

There are those who throw buckets of water in the backyard of the house to wet the walls and the floor and refresh the environment . Well, the Egyptian method of sleeping cool in summer is very similar. Here we explain how you can put it into practice step by step.

  1. The first thing is to remove the sheets and put them under the cold . The water does not have to be cold, but warm.
  2. Then pat them dry until they are damp but not soggy. Considering that it is hot, this will not take more than five to ten minutes.
  3. And, finally, it only remains to put the sheets on and lie down on them.

Other practical tips to sleep cool in summer

In addition to the Egyptian method , you can follow some tips to get a good night’s sleep even in hot weather.

The first thing we recommend is that you choose a pillow with a cooling gel , which absorbs body heat and disperses it, thus creating a very cool sleeping environment. If you want to avoid annoying neck sweats, take note!

If you want to lower your body temperature before going to bed, take a warm shower . A cold shower is not a good idea because that way you will only get the body to react to try to warm up and you will feel more heated.

And finally, do not forget to refresh the key points of the body : the neck, elbows, wrists, groin, ankles and behind the knees. Cooling these areas sets off a chain reaction that cools the rest of the body.

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