SportThe emotional message of Marc Márquez after his third...

The emotional message of Marc Márquez after his third operation on the humerus

Marc Márquez continues to fight to get back to racing in Moto GP as soon as possible. The six-time world champion has already undergone surgery for the third time on the humerus of his right arm in an operation that lasted a total of 11 hours. However, the bad news soon arrived: during the operation an infection was discovered in his right arm that will keep him hospitalized for a few more days. Despite everything, the Catalan wanted to thank his followers for the affection through social networks: « Thank you all very much for the messages of encouragement that I am receiving. Little by little I feel better, but the most important thing in this race is to reach the finish line, and we are going to achieve it, ”Márquez wrote on Twitter, attaching a photograph in the hospital after the operation. Many thanks to [email protected] for the messages of encouragement that I am receiving! Little by little I feel better, but the most important thing in this race is to reach the finish line, and we will achieve it !! !! # MM93 Marc Márquez (@ marcmarquez93) December 6, 2020 It’s been a very tough end of the year for the Spanish rider. Marc Márquez broke the humerus in his right arm in July after a heavy fall at the Jerez Grand Prix, when he was making a spectacular comeback and trying to take the lead in the race. After the heavy fall, Márquez underwent surgery for the first time and the following week he tried to compete again, but could not due to a broken plate, however, it was only the beginning of the hard road he has been traveling since that fall in Sherry. A bad movement opening a window cost him to go through the operating room for the second time and the evolution of his injury has led him for the third time to make the decision to have surgery. Last Thursday, the pilot arrived with his father early in the morning at the Ruber International Hospital without confirming whether the operation was going to be carried out or not. Something that finally happened. Two days after the operation, his team issued a statement about the Catalan pilot and reported that he had been detected “a previous infection in the fracture.” This is how the statement read: »Marc Márquez’s postoperative clinical situation has been considered satisfactory by his medical team at the Ruber International Hospital in Madrid. However, the cultures obtained during the pseudoarthrosis surgery have confirmed that there was a previous infection in the fracture, which will make Márquez undergo a specific antibiotic treatment in the coming weeks. Marc Márquez could be away from the tracks for the next six months, which would leave him in a difficult position with respect to the next Moto GP World Championship.

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