LivingThe funny viral photograph of a bride with her...

The funny viral photograph of a bride with her bridesmaids, where one of them appears expressing milk

Breastfeeding, besides being an act of love, is a job that requires time and dedication. Many mothers must do their best to combine it with other responsibilities and activities, as in the case of some athletes who express milk during sports competitions, or working mothers who do so in their workplaces.

We share the story of the viral photograph of a bride with her bridesmaids posing in the style of ‘Bridesmaids’, and where one of them appears expressing milk , showing us a real moment behind the scenes and reminding us that breastfeeding is welcome in all parts.

Rachel Downs is the bride in the center of the cover photo, and Allison Hepler is posing next to her while holding a breast pump and pumping milk for her baby. Contrary to what some might think, they both think that this image is a lovely and fun keepsake from Rachel’s wedding .

At the time of the wedding, which was held last year, Allison was feeding her baby with breast milk, so during the day she was expressing milk on several occasions.

But the history of the photography in question began when Amber Fletcher – his wedding photographer and who kindly gave us permission to share the image – finished earlier than planned the photographs of the groom and his friends. When it was the turn of the photos with the ladies, Allison was expressing milk .

A tradition that Amber has, is to always take a photograph of the bride and her bridesmaids in the style of the cover of the movie ‘Bridesmaids’, to include a funny image of that day.

When Allison mentioned that she hadn’t finished pumping yet, they all decided it would be even more fun to include this real moment , to remind them of behind-the-scenes on their wedding day.

The photograph quickly went viral and many people left positive comments , not only recognizing that it would show that real moment they lived during the wedding, but also, of the beautiful friendship that exists between the bride and her ladies.

And it is that for both, breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world. Now it was Allison’s turn to express milk for her baby during Rachel’s wedding, but they had previously been in a similar situation, since at Allison’s wedding, Rachel was also a lady, but she was pregnant with her daughter .

Neither the bride, nor her bridesmaids and not even the photographer expected the image to go viral, but they hope that with it they can help normalize breastfeeding at all times and show that real side of motherhood.

Photo | Amber Fletcher (reproduced with permission)
Via | Today
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