EntertainmentGamesThe Hell of DOOM Eternal opens a portal to...

The Hell of DOOM Eternal opens a portal to Nintendo Switch on December 8

We finally know the release date. DOOM Eternal will arrive on Nintendo Switch on December 8, digitally only, for now . One of the best works of this year can now be enjoyed on the Nintendo console.

Both the specialized critics and the public have recognized the good work of id Software, which has resulted in several nominations for The Game Awards in 2020. Demons, blood, explosions and lots of action is the infernal cocktail that awaits us in the sequel from the rebirth of the 2016 title.

18.8 GB in size will occupy the game in the portable hybrid, which will feature optional gyroscopic controls that can be adjusted or turned off and on on both the Nintendo Switch and the Lite version. Of course, DOOM Eternal will include with Battlemode, the asymmetric multiplayer mode in which a player must face two demons controlled by other users.

On the other hand, The Ancients Gods: Part One will arrive later, on an unspecified date , so we will have to be attentive to any news in this regard. Remember that DOOM Eternal will receive its own improvements for the next generation consoles, PS5 and Xbox Series X / S, while the title is also available in the Xbox Game Pass subscription service.

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