EntertainmentMovies & TVThe intense 'Mom loves you' arrives this Friday, January...

The intense 'Mom loves you' arrives this Friday, January 22, at Movistar +

The pandemic has changed the way we consume leisure in recent months. Before, most movies had a very stipulated route, first passing through movie theaters for a few weeks, and later they reached streaming platforms such as Netflix, Movistar +, Amazon, HBO or Disney + .With the coronavirus and the closure of many of cinemas worldwide, production companies and distributors have had to adapt to these times and it is increasingly common to see the premiere of a movie directly on streaming services or on thematic channels of platforms such as Movista. case of the thriller ‘Mommy loves you’, an intense story about a mother and her daughter that will arrive this Friday, January 22, in a direct premiere on the Spanish platform, preceded by excellent reviews, and starring one of the fashionable actresses , Sarah Paulson, the film will be released thanks to an agreement between Movistar and Deaplaneta, being one of the several premieres of this type that the Spanish platform will announce for this 2021. The film takes as a reference the true story of Gypsy Rose and Dee Dee Blanchard, in which the mother inflicted various illnesses on her daughter in order to take care of her for life. In the film adaptation of the story, carried out by Sev Ohanian and Aneesh Chaganty, who also signs as director of the film, introduces us to the young Chloe, a teenager who will discover the true and dark intentions of her own mother. Talking about mother’s love for the young woman is a real nightmare. Chloe has been raised by her mother, Diane, in isolation and controlled by her at all times.When Chloe sees the need to escape from her own mother’s care, she will discover the dark secret that her mother keeps. Along with Sarah Paulson, in the role of the young Chloe we will see the promising Keira Allen who makes a big debut in Hollywood with this thriller. However, we have already seen Sarah Paulson star in some notable films such as ‘Glass’, a sequel to ‘The Protege’ by M. Night Shyamalan; the wonderful ‘The Pentagon Archives’; ‘Mud’; or his enormous contribution as the protagonist of the horror saga ‘American Horror Story’. Well received by critics The film premiered last November in the United States through the Hulu platform, and received generally positive reviews. Many see a well-told story highlighting the main performances and for others it recalls more than one work by the master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock. The live show himself referred to its premiere as “a love letter to Hollywood’s golden age, a thriller without flourishes about a mother and daughter who discover they don’t know each other as well as they thought. From there, the story begins to roll. »In this sense, the two main actresses felt very proud of the good reception of the film that Movistar + will premiere this Friday 22nd, and of their work under the direction of director Annes Chaganty:« it combines terror, anguish, intrigue and bad vibes, but deep down it is a story that we can all identify with because it speaks of the bond we have with the most important person in our life »explained Sarah Paulson, who acts as Chloe’s mother .The young rookie in the role of the teenager in a wheelchair, Kiera Allen, also stated during the promotion of the film that the rhythm and intensity were well reflected in the film: “the film is very intense. It starts at a slow pace, with a normal and loving family life, but things quickly get out of hand and at no point do we put the brakes on. There are a lot of surprises and unexpected twists. ”The premiere of ‘Mamá te quiero’ will be one more step for the Movistar + platform by bringing its subscribers the latest news in cinema and series that are made internationally, joining a good handful of productions from Premiere that this month have arrived, and will arrive, on its thematic channels and its on-demand section. Other outstanding premieres It will not be the last film that will have a direct premiere in our country through Movistar +. On January 29, the platform will premiere one of the most original comedies of recent years, ‘Palm Springs’. Starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Millioti, it presents us with a curious love story where two young people end up trapped in a wedding and in their own space and time.Finally, already in February, Movistar + will premiere directly without going through theaters the comedian’s latest film Kevin James (‘Mall Superpolis’) where he totally changes his register to become a dangerous criminal escaping from jail. The premiere will be on February 12.

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