LivingThe Japanese have invented it: they create an artificial...

The Japanese have invented it: they create an artificial breast so that parents can "breastfeed" the baby

We believed that it would not be possible, but yes. They have created it. The Japanese technology company Dentsu has developed ‘Father’s Nursing Assistant’ , an artificial breast for parents to “breastfeed” their baby , which it recently presented at the SXSW 2019 fair held in Austin, Texas.

It is a portable device in the shape of a woman’s breast that dad is placed at the same height tied to his back, and allows him to feed the baby by holding him in his arms, as does a mother who breastfeeds. According to the company, it aims to “decrease the burden on mothers and increase the amount of time babies sleep by allowing fathers to breastfeed.”

Technology where they don’t call it

One side works as a milk container, where breast milk or formula milk is deposited (as the case may be), keeping it at the right temperature, and the other contains a system that aims to imitate the mother’s nipple with a silicone nipple. Yes, you can only breastfeed on one side .

As a good technological invention, the device not only feeds the baby, but through an app connected to the mobile phone it also records data about the baby’s breastfeeding and sleeping sessions, and transmits the information to dad’s smartphone.

It is made of a soft material, they explain from Dentsu, to give the baby greater comfort.

“Based on the advice of pediatricians and babysitters, who say that babies tend to touch the breast with their hands when feeding and that the softness seems to calm them, the product has been designed to resemble a woman’s breasts.”

This is how they have exhibited it at the technology fair where it has recently been presented:

I found an invention @nickberardphoto may need soon #fathersnursingassistant #dentsusxsw #onlyatsxsw

And here we see a man testing the device with a doll:

#fathersnursingassistant #sxsw2019

Where the natural is …

Anyway, we show you the device (it is not for sale yet), as a curiosity, because I doubt that it will prosper and that we will soon see men with their artificial breasts on the street breastfeeding their babies. I hope not!

Sometimes technology gets where it is not called. Where there is a natural breast with milk always available, at the ideal temperature, which allows the baby to be in skin-to-skin contact, and also free, there is no technological invention that can replace it . And dad can also support, but in another way.

In Babies and more | The father’s role in breastfeeding

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