LivingThe mental illness suffered by Donald Trump

The mental illness suffered by Donald Trump

Feelings of greatness, fantasies of ideal beauty and love, zero empathy, excessive need for admiration … A study published by the journal Behavioral Psychology / Behavioral Psychology in 2017 concluded that the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, meets all the traits that define a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (TPN). Through the analysis of their interventions, behaviors and comments, the traits that define this personality disorder are clearly reflected in the president .

However, this research does not attempt to make a clinical diagnosis of Trump’s personality , “since this would involve a personal clinical interview and other tests,” says the study author, the professor in the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the University of Granada, Vicente E. Caballo Manrique. What is certain is that it allows an explanation to be given to the actions and statements of the US president, and on the other hand, to offer a closer view of the TPN through Trump’s behaviors, which are very illustrative of the disorder.

Therefore, what traits does Donald Trump possess that identify him with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5, defines TPN as a pervasive pattern of greatness and arrogance , of someone who exaggerates their accomplishments and talents and hopes to be recognized as superior . “He will not build a wall with Mexico, he will build the largest and most beautiful wall that has ever been seen, and nobody builds walls like Trump.” indicates Horse.

According to the diagnostic criteria of the TPN, Trump would also be exposed to fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty or unlimited ideal love . Something that Caballo has associated with the bombastic terms he includes in his speeches. Words like “tremendous”, “awesome”, “fantastic”, “wonderful”, “genius”, “amazing” or “special” are examples of this. In addition, Trump believes he is special and unique and that they can only understand him, or that he should only relate to other special or high status people. In addition, he demands excessive admiration : “He is obsessed with his own popularity, as measured by polls, ratings and the covers of Time magazine .”

Perhaps one of the most worrying features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the lack of empathy , especially in a prime minister: “Muslims will not come to this country if I am President.” Trump is unable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of other people , is aggressive and uses frequent lies: “The overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is the work of blacks and Hispanics.”

As Carballo points out, “it is curious that the ban on travel to the United States of citizens of several Muslim countries, which Trump recently tried to implement, did not affect any of the countries where he has commercial interests. It is one more example that confuses their own interests with those of their country. “

Psychology considers a personality disorder as a mental illness when said disorder is disabling for the person suffering from it. However, the Psychology Unit of the Infanta Cristina Hospital in Badajoz believes that, for Trump, not only is it not disabling, but “it has placed him where he is. Narcissists tend to be very seductive .”


Vicente E. Caballo. (2017). A psychological analysis of Donald Trump. Behavioral Psychology / Behavioral Psychology. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 227-249.

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