FunThe most disturbing sexual practices in Ancient Egypt

The most disturbing sexual practices in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was one of the most important civilizations in history. It was developed for almost 3,500 years, between 3200 BC and 31 BC. There are many customs that attract the attention of Ancient Egypt, especially in what refers to sexual practices . Many of them today are considered disturbing, but back then they were completely normal.


The pharaohs allowed their children to marry each other, so that marriage between brothers was accepted, and, in some cases, also that of father and daughter . The objective was none other than to preserve the purity of the lineage.


Everything suggests that in Ancient Egypt there were those known as felatrices. As their name suggests, they were prostitutes specialized in fellatio , and they differed from the rest by their bright red painted lips.


According to experts, in Ancient Egypt there were religious ceremonies linked to fertility in which orgies were organized .

Herodotus, a fifth-century Greek historian , was one of those who described in great detail one of the orgies that were held as a tribute to the goddess Skhmet in the city of Bubastis: “ The boats, full of men and women, floated the riverbed down the Nile. They drank a lot and had sex. This was yes while they were on the river; when they arrived at a city the pilgrims disembarked and the women sang, imitating those of that city » .


Thanks to the Ebers Papyrus, there is evidence that necrophilia, despite not being well regarded, was not censored either. According to this document, embalmers were found to carry out these types of practices , and none were punished for it. However, the relatives of the deceased women began hiring guards to monitor their bodies.


Polygamy was allowed, although it was rare, except in the upper classes of society. As long as the wife’s position in the family environment was respected, the husband could have several concubines

When Ramses II died at the age of 91, he claimed to have had more than 20 queens and a multitude of concubines . In ancient texts it is reflected that he had more than 100 children.

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