LivingThe mother's friendship with other mothers: how having friends...

The mother's friendship with other mothers: how having friends with children helps us live a better motherhood

Having friends is an essential part of the life of every human being. Being sociable by nature, we look for other people with whom we can share various aspects of our lives, from tastes and beliefs, to those good and not so good things that happen to us.

So taking advantage of the fact that today is celebrated the International Day of Friendship, I want to share a reflection about friendship with other mothers and how our friends help us to live a better motherhood.

Friendship when you become a mother

In the six years that I have as a mother, which may not be many but they have taught me enough, I have learned a lot about how we change according to our life experiences. And I don’t just mean us, but also our relationship with other people .

Throughout our lives we form bonds and relationships with those people we meet and feel related to us, creating strong ties of friends with whom we know we can count on. But as in any life experience, these relationships evolve .

I have found that when we become mothers, those friendships are also affected , as it is a momentous change in our lives. And in most cases, one of two things can happen: either the friendship grows stronger or it diminishes until it finally disappears.

I have already spoken on occasion of that sad moment in which we lose some friends when we become mothers, so for today I will focus on the friendships that make us feel accompanied in motherhood .

The benefits of having friends with children when you are a mother

Although having friends without children has many advantages and benefits that we have already talked about previously, having other friends who are also mothers undoubtedly leaves an important mark and influence on our experience of life as mothers .

And there is no one who can understand a mother better than another mother. Although we are different in many aspects such as our age, the number of children or even our way of raising, there is something that unites us all: the love for our children.

Being a mother is not an easy experience. When we start our new life with children, we face many challenges, fears and concerns that we have never had before, and knowing that we are not alone helps us navigate with more calm and confidence these new waters in which we have immersed ourselves.

Sharing motherhood with other mothers undoubtedly creates very strong ties with them, since it is nothing more and nothing less than that tribe that does us so much good when we have children. Having mother friends when you are too, can even be a lifesaver .

Knowing that a mother friend is a message or call away who can listen to you and support you emotionally, helps make this precious but chaotic work less heavy. Having someone to ask for advice, to help you answer questions, or simply to let you vent without judging yourself, makes the friendship between moms a treasure .

So today and always, thanks to those mothers who are our friends and who with their company, affection and advice, help us to live a better and more beautiful motherhood.

Photos | iStock
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