In recent years, society has undergone changes in all areas . This transformation of modern life brings with it an urgent need to find new forms of mobility in line with the reality of large cities, increasingly aware of environmental sustainability. For this reason, new mobility trends appear that are becoming stronger and stronger, such as carsharing, which is revolutionizing mobility as we have known it until now, presenting a large number of advantages for its users. In addition, it is becoming easier and easier to start using these types of solutions, since you can already rent a car powered by gas from a mobile phone, pick it up at a dealer and pay only by the hour. And all, thanks to platforms like Respiro, which lately have gained a lot of weight in the big cities… And we are not surprised at all, all are benefits! Shared, connected, sustainable and rented vehicles from a dealership. What more could you want?
Although it is true that vehicles are only usually available in city centers and that the availability of these cars is not always full –but it is usually subject to demand–, it is also true that these disadvantages are increasingly minors. On the contrary, one of the main advantages of this type of mobility is that it reduces pollution, since it is a service closely linked to electric mobility, which reduces emissions of toxic gases. In addition, car sharing reduces the number of cars on the road, which also translates into a significant decrease in emissions.
Carsharing improves mobility, as fewer cars make traffic less intense , allowing drivers to reach their destination faster, more efficiently and less stressful. Not to mention the economic savings that it entails, since with the hourly car rental you do not have to face disbursements such as private parking, regulated parking service, maintenance, repairs or various taxes.