LivingThe science of the 5 senses

The science of the 5 senses

The power of mother's scent on babies is extraordinary

Smell is the most developed sense in the baby at the time of birth, much superior to that we have as adults, to such an extent that it allows it to feed itself by looking for the mother's breast. If the baby is placed on the mother's abdomen in skin-to-skin contact, the baby will instinctively crawl up to her breast. The newborn will crawl, guided by the smell, until it reaches the nipple and begins to suck.

Curiosities about your nose that may surprise you

Did you know that we are capable of distinguishing more than a billion different smells?

Our sense of smell is better than we think

We tend to think that our sense of smell is not particularly fine, but scientists warn that it is actually as good or better than that of many animals.

What three factors make you more or less attractive?

The appearance plays an important role in our attractiveness, but also the voice and the smell, according to an international group of researchers.

Detecting the smell of asparagus in your pee is genetic

As soon as we eat asparagus, our urine acquires an unmistakable 'aroma' that is only captured if certain genes are possessed.
