FunThe true meaning of WhatsApp hearts according to their...

The true meaning of WhatsApp hearts according to their color

WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging application in the world, with more than 2 billion active users globally. In recent years, emojis have become one of the favorite ways to communicate with friends and family, although many times it is not known exactly what they mean. In the case of WhatsApp hearts, one of the most used emojis in the app, each one has a meaning according to its color . Next we tell you what is its official meaning according to the creators.

Red heart

It is the world-renowned symbol of love, representing passion and romance . Now, you can also use this emoji to show your friends and family the strong bond you have with them.

Black heart

The black heart means a very dark humor , and even twisted. It is also used to express pain and grief.

Brown heart

Although the heart emoji is often related to love, it can also represent life . In the case of the brown heart, it expresses closeness to nature. It also represents warmth, comfort and security.

Blue Heart

This is one of the hearts of WhatsApp that fewer people know its meaning. Represents friendship, fidelity, loyalty and platonic love. When you send it to one of your contacts, you are telling him that you have complete confidence in him or her.

White Heart

An international symbol of the purest and unconditional love. The white color symbolizes innocence and goodness .

Green heart

The green heart of WhatsApp is the best expression of a healthy lifestyle and closeness to nature. Now, it can also indicate that there are problems in a relationship.

Orange heart

The shape of the heart symbolizes love. As for the color orange, it can represent that you do not want a romantic relationship with the other person, although you value their friendship very much .

Purple heart

It expresses understanding and compassionate love as it represents affection. It is widely used in messages between parents and children, although there are also those who use it as a symbol of wealth and glamor.

Yellow heart

The yellow heart represents purity and warmth , although not in the romantic context. It symbolizes the joy of living, happiness and friendship.

With this guide on the meaning of WhatsApp hearts according to their color, it will surely be easier for you to use them properly.

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