Few times we resist taking a photo of the paella that we have just cooked, or the pasta dish that they have just brought us in the restaurant and then share it on social networks. In fact, the ” foodie ” fashion means that there are many accounts on networks such as Instagram dedicated exclusively to food, but what are the most photographed food dishes on social networks?
These are the most photographed food dishes on social networks
If you are one of the people who usually follow Instagram accounts dedicated to food, you may have already realized that the most photographed food “top” of all is pizza . This is what has concluded from an analysis carried out by the website Thuisbezorgd.nl (food delivery company) according to which pizza is the most popular Italian dish on Instagram with 86,380,378 hashtags to date.
According to the data collected, pizza is unrivaled and has more hashtags than all the dishes from 180 countries analyzed . One of the reasons why it seems that this marvel of Italian cuisine is so photographed is none other than the fact of finding pizzas for all tastes. In this way, as it is not a single dish, it is much more interesting to take photos of it and also for people to seek inspiration either to cook them or to ask for them when they go out to lunch or dinner.
Far from pizza and the second course of which the most photos are taken on Instagram is risotto with 3,341,366 hashtags , followed by one of our most typical dishes: paella, which currently accumulates a total of 2,997,779 publications in the The hashtag #paella appears with a photo of this national delicacy.
In fourth position is one of the most traditional dishes or foods in another country: the United States. We refer as no to the hamburger that receives 2,303,562 of hashtags while
In the fifth position is lasagna with 986,538 hashtags of which almost 300,000 belong to photos that have been tagged in our country so that as with pizza it seems that Italian lasagna is something that also seems irresistible to us. time to take photos to share on social networks.
Other foods that are often highly photographed and tagged by “fodies” on Instagram would be our “treasures”, gazpacho (with 296,991 hasthags) and potato omelette (with 154,036 hasthags) , as well as French fries (with 88,883 hasthags) and spaghetti (with more than 60,000 hasthags but only in Spain since “spaghetti” is written in English even surpasses pizza with more than 5 million hashtags).