LivingThey find a link between homosexuality and genes

They find a link between homosexuality and genes

Several genomic studies have previously suggested that a specific stretch of the human genome contains a gene or genes that predispose a man to be gay. Now, a new and extensive study carried out by a team of researchers from several American universities (Cambridge, Evanston, Chicago, Miami …) concludes that there is no doubt that there is a link between homosexuality and genes .


To make such a sharp and controversial conclusion, the scientists conducted a study with more than 800 homosexual siblings, discovering evidence, after analyzing the genetic material obtained in blood and saliva samples of the participants, that several genes on the X chromosome and the chromosome 8, may be involved in sexual orientation .


“Sexual orientation has nothing to do with choice. Our findings suggest that genes may be at play . We have found evidence of two sets that determine whether a man is gay or straight. Although this could one day lead to a prenatal test for male sexual orientation, it would not be very accurate, as there are other factors that can influence the result, ”says Michael Bailey, co-author of the study.


Although the specific causes of homosexuality are unknown , the study “is a huge step to answer scientific questions about homosexuality,” explains Chad Zawitz, co-author of the work. Study leader Alan Sanders is hopeful: “The new evidence is not proof, but it is a very good indicator” that genes on the two chromosomes could have a key influence on sexual orientation.


The study, which has been published in the journal Psychological Medicine , has generated a multitude of responses from other experts not involved in the research: ” The study is intriguing but by no means conclusive, ” according to Robert Green, a medical geneticist at the School of Medicine. from Harvard (USA).


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