FunThis is the meaning of the flags on the...

This is the meaning of the flags on the beaches of Spain: green, black, red, blue …

Summer is here, and one of the best plans to enjoy this time of year is to go to the beach. Now, to avoid any type of risk and danger, it is essential to know the meaning of the different flags of the beaches in Spain . For example, do you know what the difference is between a red and a black flag? We will explain everything to you below.


The green flag is one of the best known of all. Indicates that bathing is allowed and there is no danger as conditions are optimal for bathing.


When the yellow flag flies on the beach , swimming is allowed, although with caution . In general, the surf is relatively strong, so it is important not to drift away from the shore due to currents. It can also be due to a “hangover,” one of the main causes of drowning.


The red flag means that swimming is completely prohibited as the water conditions are not good and bathing carries a great risk . This flag can also be put up due to water pollution or the presence of marine animals dangerous to health.


The black flag indicates that the beach is closed . Not only is bathing prohibited, but you cannot walk on the sand either.

With jellyfish

The jellyfish flag indicates the presence of jellyfish in the water. Bathing is not recommended (although not prohibited) due to the high risk of being stung .


It is a “quality seal” that the best beaches in our country have . Each year the blue flag is awarded to a series of beaches that stand out for the quality of their services and their waters, as well as for their accessibility and environmental protection, among other aspects.

Black and white squares

This is one of the most unknown flags. It indicates that it is a surf area and that the bathroom is dangerous.

White and blue

In this case, the flag indicates that it is a diving area . Therefore, there are people under the water, and also boats.

Yellow with black dot

And finally, the yellow flag with a black dot. Surfboards and boats are prohibited . You can be on the beach on a regular or temporary basis.

Now you know the meaning of the different flags on the beaches of Spain !

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