EntertainmentGamesThis Thursday comes loaded in Nintendo eShop with 'The...

This Thursday comes loaded in Nintendo eShop with 'The Cave', among others

This Thursday we are presented as the best of those that we have to date in 2013 for Nintendo users in terms of downloading is concerned, both in terms of quantity of content and quality, with that promising ‘The Cave’ by Ron Gilbert and Double Fine Productions.

We were not wrong a few days ago to intuit its European date starting from that of the North American territory. Yes, this Thursday , January 24, it will debut in the European eShop, at a price of 12.99 euros , and best of all, accompanied by a necessary demo . And it will not be the only demo of the day, since we will also receive the one of the ‘Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed’. It’s not bad at all.

Without neglecting the Wii U, we can download Ubisoft’s’ Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth ‘ for 49.99 euros, while we can get hold of the’ Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition ‘by WayForward with a 30% discount, going from the usual 9.99 euros to a tighter (but little) 6.99 euros . The latter until February 7. We already said our opinion in their analysis: if you do not have the original Nintendo 3DS, at this price it is more recommended.

Belatedly compared to other versions (we have even seen it on mobile phones) ‘Babel Rising’ will finally debut on WiiWare at the price of 500 points (5 euros), while going to Nintendo laptops we will receive the inevitable Nintendo 3DS ‘Picross e2’ , in view of the success of the first, and the series of classic games collected from ’35 Junior Games’ , each for 4.99 euros . And what about DSiWare? Well, only the ‘Snowboard Xtreme’ from EnjoyUp Games for 2 euros. We leave you with the trailers of the most important news below: ‘Picross e2’ (3DS) and ‘The Cave’ (Wii U).

Picross e2 – Nintendo 3DS

The Cave – Wii U

Via | NintendoLife

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