Tech UPTechnologyTikTok Duo: what it is, what it is useful...

TikTok Duo: what it is, what it is useful for and how to get the most out of it

The duos on TikTok have become enormously popular since, some time ago, this particular social network officially launched this functionality in its app. And, best of all, you don’t have to be in the same room as the other user to create a great video.

If you use this app very often, you may have already come across many videos divided in half, in which one user comments on another. Indeed, this is what is known as Duo within this application.

Like a musical duo, different users may be able to participate together. But the reality is that Duo , within TikTok, goes much further than that, since users use them to react to videos, create dialogue or even create a duet with themselves.

It is, as we will see, a really simple functionality to use. In addition, it can be enormously fun.

What is TikTok Duo? What does it consist of?

TikTok Duo consists of a function that allows two users to appear in the same video , with the added advantage that they do not need to be present in the same room (that is, next to each other).

And the principle is simple: we only have to use a video from a TikTok account, edit it and upload it to our profile. So simple and, at the same time, so much fun.

That is, it offers users the possibility to create content from an initial video . And both videos will appear side by side on the screen, using a square format.

In this way, people can effectively respond to our video content with their own videos, which they can then share publicly for other users to view and comment on.

Of course, it is not possible to use any video or clip uploaded to TikTok. Furthermore, in case we do not want other users to use our creations to generate duets, we have the option of disabling the “Authorize Duets” option always at the end of creating a publication on this social network.

How can we use it?

If you want to do a duet on TikTok, you should know that it is actually a really simple process. In fact, it is so simple that the most difficult thing is to find the most suitable original video and, above all, to be creative.

To start with our video, we just have to touch the Share arrow , which we find on the left side, which will display different options among which we will find the button that interests us: Duo .

When we click on it, a screen will appear divided in half: on the right side the original image and audio will be shown, and on the left our recording.

Once we are ready to record, we can modify some element of our video. And we can use some of the following options:

  • Beauty. It is an effect that “cleanses” the skin of our face with the help of AI.
  • To turn. Specially designed to use the front or rear camera.
  • Velocity. Depending on how fast or slow we want our video to go.
  • Filters. It is an ideal option when using different shades.
  • Weather. It offers us the possibility to limit the duration of the video time.

On the other hand, it should also be noted that in the lower left part of this screen we also find the TikTok effect option, which will help us in a really positive way when it comes to maximizing the quality of our creation.

Now click on the Finish option, and new options will be displayed, such as stickers, text, or use effects or filters. We can also add an overlay voice.

Once we have finished and completed the editing process, we only have to choose the text that we want to add to mention the user we have made the duo for. Finally, we can choose the option of Drafts or Publish , depending on what we want to do in those moments with our creation.

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