LivingTravelTour the Belfort (or bell tower) of Ghent in...

Tour the Belfort (or bell tower) of Ghent in Belgium

A trip to the top of the Gent Bell Tower is a wonderful and inexpensive experience as well. The bell tower is undoubtedly one of the most impressive in Flanders.

The bell towers, or Belforts, were a medieval town’s way of protecting itself and its valuable records, and the bells in the tower announced weddings, raids, market openings, fires, dawn and dusk.

The construction of the Belfort of Gent began in 1313. Wars prevented it from being completed in time, but it managed to finish in 1380. The building has had 7 different coronations, as people adapted to an increasing number of bells on the carillon. The current spire dates from a 1911-1913 restoration by Valentin Vaerewijck, who radically changed the tower’s profile. The tower is 320 feet tall and the view is spectacular.

The six floors of the bell tower

Lower Floor – The Secret Room

In 1402, this room, with its cross vault, was converted into a records department. Valuable municipal privileges were kept in a heavy trunk tied to the floor with a chain.

Second Floor – Watchman’s Rest

In case of fire or attack, the tower guards warned the population by ringing the bells. They also announced sunrise and sunset, the start of the workday, and the extinguishing of fires. Watchers guarded the city at night. In this room, off-duty men could rest near a fireplace.

Third Floor – Halltower Observers

This floor now houses a bell display with a unique collection of carillon bells, made by Pieter Hemony van Zutphen.

Fourth floor – Roelandzaal

Here are the huge bells used to warn when the enemy had approached or to announce executions and market openings.

Fifth floor, the clockwork

Like a large music box, this mechanism controls the bells through the main clock to play arias every 15 minutes. The pins are changed every two years. The clocks are wound daily by means of a crank used to lift the three weights of the pendulum clock.

Sixth floor: the bell chamber

After a comprehensive renovation in 1982, the carillon is now considered one of the best in the world. It uses 54 ringing bells in total.

Visiting the bell tower

You will find a small ticket kiosk at the base of the tower. It will inform you which of the tours will be conducted in English. Ours was held in three languages, and the English portion was excellent. There is a small elevator, but most walk.

Opening hours of the Tower, the Carillon and the Bell Museum

March 15 to November 15, every day from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm and from 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm


Check the latest opening hours and ticket prices.

The tower is not adapted for wheelchairs, according to the literature.

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