NewsTurkey vacation in the corona risk area: What travelers...

Turkey vacation in the corona risk area: What travelers need to know

Is it possible to vacation in Turkey this summer? The current corona situation and the rules in the risk area at a glance.

Ankara – Turkey is one of the Germans’ favorite vacation destinations. But is it possible to take a vacation in Turkey this summer in view of the corona pandemic? Or will Corona, especially the Delta variant, prevent relaxing holidays? An overview of the current Corona situation in Turkey and all the rules that travelers must observe.

The coronavirus hit Turkey hard, but the situation in the country has been recovering for some time. So far there have been more than 5.6 million confirmed corona infections in Turkey, and more than 51,000 people have died in connection with corona. The vaccination rates in the country are meanwhile increasing: almost 47.8 percent of the population have received a first corona vaccination, 30.31 percent of the population are fully vaccinated (as of July 30, 2021; source: JHU)

Vacation in Turkey: What is the current corona situation in the country – keyword delta variant?

The delta variant of the coronavirus has already been detected in Turkey; the delta variant currently plays a role in 17.2 percent of the samples examined (source: However, only little data is collected in Turkey about the different corona variants.

Summer vacation in the corona risk area Turkey: Foreign Office advises against it

Turkey is classified as a corona risk area by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), so the Federal Foreign Office is currently advising against “unnecessary, tourist trips” to Turkey.

Istanbul, Türkei


Turkey is considered a corona risk area. Can you go on holiday there in the midst of the pandemic?

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Turkey vacation 2021: how high is the corona incidence?

After the 7-day incidence peaked at 500 in Turkey in April, the incidence has been falling for some time. In the meantime the value is rising again. The corona incidence in Turkey is currently 140.8 (as of July 30, 2021, source: JHU).

Entry into Turkey despite Corona: What rules do travelers have to observe?

If you want to enter Turkey, you have to register online 72 hours before entry, the entry form is also available in German. Once you have successfully registered, you will receive the “HES code”, which must be proven during inspections in the country.

When entering Turkey, a negative PCR test must be presented (must not be older than 72 hours), a rapid antigen test is also accepted, which must be a maximum of 48 hours old. Corona self-tests are not sufficient, however, proof of the test is required (German or English languages are accepted). Children under six years of age do not need a test – just like those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered.

However, these require official proof that at least 14 days have passed since the full vaccination, alternatively a document that recovery from a corona infection was a maximum of six months ago. If you travel to Turkey by plane, you have to present the corona test at check-in at the departure airport.

Urlaub trotz Corona - ist das in der Türkei derzeit möglich?


Vacation despite Corona – is that currently possible in Turkey?

On arrival in Turkey there are temperature measurements at the airport – if corona symptoms or an increased temperature occur, health examinations can be arranged.

Travel to Turkey by land: Return travel only possible via Bulgaria

According to the ADAC, those who enter Turkey by land have no problems at the land borders. When leaving Turkey by car, however, you have to drive through Bulgaria, the ADAC continues. Background: Currently only Greek nationals from Turkey are allowed to travel to Greece.

Different corona rules also apply in the transit countries, as the ADAC also points out. The ADAC says: “On the return journey, transit through Bulgaria is permitted if the returnees are German citizens or can show a residence permit for Germany.” However, the ADAC cannot guarantee this – the decision lies with the local border authorities.

Current corona information

The Federal Foreign Office provides the latest information about Corona in Turkey.

Vacation in Turkey: Which corona rules apply when traveling in the country?

Restaurants, cafes, hotels, shopping centers, cinemas and theaters are open in Turkey, but there are corona rules. Violations of these rules are punishable by fines.

  • Distance rule: apply everywhere – at least three steps to other people.
  • Mask requirement: applies to public transport, workplaces, parks, markets, streets, squares and beaches.
  • Smoking ban: applies in public.
  • Music in bars etc .: may only be played until midnight.
  • HES code: Is required for restaurants, shopping centers, hotels, public transport and domestic Turkish flights (further information)

Returning from vacation in Turkey: what applies to the return journey to Germany?

Since Turkey is classified as a corona risk area, strict rules apply to the return journey to Germany. The digital entry registration must be completed before crossing the border into Germany.

In addition, returnees must be tested for corona in good time – when entering Germany, a negative corona test must be presented, which may be a maximum of 48 hours (antigen rapid test) or 72 hours (PCR test) old. Vaccinated and convalescent persons with the relevant evidence and children up to 6 years of age are exempt from the test. (tab) Status: 07/22/2021

Picture list: © Dani Salvà / VWPics via

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