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Unforgettable video game moments: the surprise to learn the secret identity of the Arkham Knight in Batman Arkham Knight

If you asked me about the best video game starring a superhero , I would have no doubt: the Dark Knight’s Batman Arkham, by Rocksteady Studios, are superb from start to finish. Batman Arkham Asylum was a turning point, a mirror in which many games have been looked at since then … in the shadow of the great charm of Batman and his charismatic villains .

Batman Arkham Knight was the perfect culmination, being the most complete adventure to date of the Dark Knight. And with a villain created exclusively for this 2015 video game , which we would like to talk about in depth now.

Be careful, SPOILERS. Do not continue reading if you have not passed the story …

The Arkham Knight, a very insistent Nemesis

The feeling that invaded me about the figure of the Arkham Knight for much of the story was to think that it was a machine. After all, he was a new character created by Rocksteady Studios and I doubted he was a face never seen before. The face of a person outside the world of DC Comics, hence it was possible to see a robot. Although I also thought of a reborn villain.

It was impossible, knowing what happened at the end of Batman Arkham City, but the idea that The Joker had risen in the form of a cyborg, giving life to the character of the Arkham Knight, flew over me. In fact, Batman Arkham Knight himself plays trickery and in a certain scene, after giving him a good ration of punches, we see the aforementioned Arkham Knight remove his helmet to see the Joker take off Batman. And immediately afterwards, the illusion fades …

Because The Joker is part of Batman’s greatest fear , manifested by the Scarecrow’s neurotoxin. It is a recurring nightmare throughout history, seeing the “Joker” appear every two by three in the form of hallucinations that seem too real, in which he tells us many things to drive the Dark Knight crazy. And there is one in particular that affects poor Bruce, the death of Jason Todd , his old ex-partner Robin.

The first appearance of the Arkham Knight occurs in a factory and from there he does not stop assaulting us every two by three, making his potential clear, also in relation to all that machinery that he boasts and that has Gotham in check.

The Batmobile was the main novelty of this installment , hence it is not surprising that two of the great confrontations against the Arkham Knight take place on the back of the Batmobile: the first, against one of his special tanks; and the second, against a giant excavator , the scene that produces the most tension.

But who the hell was that insistent Batman rival? If we looked at the information on the batcomputer, all the data about the Arkham Knight are unknown, except for his height (1.83 cm) and weight (91 kg), having a small complementary biography in relation to his arrival in Gotham, with the Scarecrow as an ally and that goal that “he will stop at nothing until he kills Batman.” In addition, as attributes, beyond that robotically synthesized voice, he stands out as a “great connoisseur of Batman’s tactics and fighting style” and “expert military strategist”. Is someone known to Bruce?

Death, Resurrection and Redemption of Jason Todd

Indeed, near the final stretch his identity was revealed, now without a helmet. It was Jason Todd! And this inevitably put into question what we had witnessed in Batman’s eyes, with The Joker murdering Jason in one of the hardest scenes of the entire adventure. Batman’s guilt didn’t stop haunting him and having the Joker inside his head didn’t help mitigate that duel.

Batman Arkham Knight knew how to play the distraction , despite giving timid clues, such as that Jason Todd was the only one who fit in with the Arkham Knight by measuring exactly 1.83 cm and weighing 91 kg. Because there were many characters that measured 1.83 cm (The Joker, itself), but without coinciding with the weight. A master play that had its revelation on a mission where Gordon had to be rescued.

It was all a trap orchestrated by Jason, of course. A closed environment, with him equipped with a large-caliber rifle and an entire army that was coming out in waves, each time we managed to get close to the Arkham Knight. The game itself was very careful about this confrontation, banning screenshots and video. Rocksteady wanted to make sure not to show any SPOILERS .

As much as Jason hated Batman , as was evident in his confession to The Joker, Bruce was fond of his former partner. The latter was demonstrated by defeating the Arkham Knight, offering him his hand as a sign of truce and so that the aforementioned Jason would not fire his pistol. However, shortly after alerting his butler Alfred to the good news that he was still alive, he vanished.

It was not a goodbye from Jason Todd , but a see you later. Because he reserved his redemption for the final duel of Batman against the Scarecrow, before seeing the Dark Knight finally sell the nightmare of the neurotoxin by metaphorically locking The Joker in a deep place in his mind and thus showing the Scarecrow that he is no longer afraid of nothing or no one or will ever be able to manipulate it with the neurotoxin.

Life without fear is meaningless , said the Scarecrow before pointing his pistol at a Batman immobilized by handcuffs and with his true identity as Bruce Wayne revealed to all of Gotham City. And there, in that instant, there was a flash, that of the Arkham Knight’s rifle scope, to drop the Scarecrow’s weapon and free Bruce to end that great nightmare once and for all.

His nemesis had become his ally , which served as proof that Jason had forgiven him. He proved to be a rival to the height, although Rocksteady did not really create a new villain for the occasion, but rather resurrected an old acquaintance in a new light. Will there be surprises with Gotham Knights in 2022?

Unforgettable moments from video games

  • The mortar massacre in Spec Ops: The Line and its aftermath
  • The encounter with the Storm Guard in Tomb Raider
  • The final stretch of A Way Out with a totally brutal rule change
  • The Red Dead Redemption Ranch Massacre
  • The airport mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • The shocking metaphor for the denouement of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
  • Vaas’s monologue on insanity in Far Cry 3
  • The chaos theory cliffhanger in Life is Strange and what came next
  • The masked character from Resident Evil 5
  • The Nightmare with the Scarecrow in Batman Arkham Asylum
  • The Mercy incident in Gears of War 3
  • The concert scene in Alan Wake
  • The harsh reality of The Walking Dead’s farm
  • The Journey to Sanctuary in Borderlands 2
  • “Do you want?” By BioShock

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