LivingValentine: letter to the love of your life, your...

Valentine: letter to the love of your life, your son or daughter

Love is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful emotions that we can experience in different circumstances and moments of our life, as well as with different people. We have, for example, the love of a couple, the love for our parents, the love for those friends who have become family.

But there is a particular love that, from my point of view, is the greatest there is: love for our children. For this reason, and on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, I write a letter to the loves of our lives, our children .

The biggest love in the world

Why do I think that love for our children is the greatest in the world? As a mother, and surely many other mothers and fathers will agree with me, when our children are born, we discover that in our hearts there is another way of loving, one that we have never experienced before .

This new love is a love very different from any that we have ever lived , because it is an unconditional love, immeasurable, capable of making us move heaven, sea and earth. In a feeling difficult to describe, but that many of us would define as “feeling that our heart overflows”.

This is the love of fathers and mothers. It is a love that fills our souls, swells our hearts and puts a huge smile on our faces. A love that has no comparison and to which there is absolutely nothing that is equal to it.

And for that reason, although usually when we say it out loud we associate this term or phrase with the love of a couple, really our children are the love of our lives.

Because there is nothing in life that makes us feel the same as we feel about our children . And as we know, it doesn’t really matter what our children do or don’t do: we are still going to love them unconditionally. So today I write a letter to the loves of our lives.

Letter to the love of my life, my son or daughter

Dear child,

Today we celebrate Valentine’s Day, and as such, it is a day in which love takes center stage, and in our case, the love that we have for each other should also be celebrated. I will try to explain in words how much you mean to me , although I am sure they will not be enough for me.

You see, when you came into my life, we thought we knew everything about love . We believed, illusively, that we had already fully known that feeling of affection and closeness, with our partner, family and friends. However, you came to show us a different love.

From the day of your birth until today, I have witnessed how that love that I feel for you grows and grows more and more each day, as you continue to grow, advance and develop. This love that I feel is difficult to describe, because it is a feeling that we know until we have our own children .

No matter how old you are, for me you will always be that precious baby who came to change everything I thought about life. Every detail, every step you take and every new advance you make, makes my heart fill with joy . And what can I say about the love you give me? Without a doubt it is the purest and most tender in the world.

I love everything about you … Hearing your laugh and talking to you make me die of love. Watching you grow, knowing you happy, accompanying you in everything you allow me and being there when you need me, and also, correcting you when you have done wrong, are the different ways I have of loving you .

Perhaps through these words and phrases full of affection you can imagine how much I feel for you, but I assure you that it is much greater than you imagine. If one day you decide to have children, you will finally be able to understand why you, my son, are the love of my life . My love for you is unconditional. Happy Valentine’s Day, my darling.

Photos | iStock
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