FunVolleyball: Know the basic rules

Volleyball: Know the basic rules

Volleyball is a very well known and practiced sport around the world. In general terms, what it is based on is two teams of six players each, who must pass a ball over the net trying to get it to the ground of the opposite field while, at the same time, the opposing team tries not to. get. The ball must be touched with clean strokes, but in no case can it be caught, held, stopped or accompanied. It is allowed to touch it with any part of the body, including the feet.

Volleyball history

The origin of volleyball dates back to 1895 by the hand of William George Morgan. He created the sport as a calmer and more relaxed alternative to basketball, and initially named it “mintonette.”

However, during a demonstration they found that the true essence of the game was the volley of the ball over the net , so it was renamed “volley ball”. Finally, in 1952 the North American Volleyball Association unified both words and was officially renamed “volleyball.”

It was a team game that had certain similarities to tennis or handball, and it was he who developed the first rules, such as the dimensions of the playing field: 7.62 meters × 15.24 meters and a 1.98 meter net. meters high.

Now, at the end of the 19th century, volleyball was played with a very heavy ball , on a smaller court and with a lower net. In addition, the number of players was higher than the current one.

The first foreign country to adopt the game was Canada. It did so in 1900, followed by Japan in 1908 and the Philippines in 1910. At the Olympic Games in Paris (1924) it was played for the first time as a demonstration sport, although it did not become part of the Olympic specialties. until the Tokyo Olympics (1964).

What are the rules of volleyball?


Teams must be made up of a maximum of 12 players , so that there are six participants on the playing field and six substitutes. How do you get a point? When the ball passes over the net and the opposing team commits a foul or does not control the ball well. During the game the ball has to be hit continuously, so no player can hold it.

The players of each team must prevent the ball from reaching the ground within their court . If they do, the opposing team receives a point. What happens if the ball ends up outside the field of play, that is, when it touches the ceiling, the net, the public, the referees or the posts? The team that last touched the ball is considered a foul, and a point is scored against the opposing team.


As for the volleyball ball, it must be spherical, with a rubber or rubber chamber filled with air. The exterior must be synthetic or supple leather, padded and seamless. The rules state that you can combine up to three different colors. The circumference must be between 65 and 67 centimeters in diameter and its weight must range between 260 and 280 grams.


It is also a point for the opposing team if a team touches three times in a row without passing the ball over the net to the opposing court, or if a player touches the ball twice in a row.


One of the basic rules of volleyball has to do with rotation . Players have to rotate clockwise. Failure to do so is considered a lack of rotation and the rally is lost.


Each match is made up of three, four or five sets . Each team wins a set when it reaches at least 25 points with an advantage of two. A team wins when it wins three sets.

Volleyball score

All plays end on the dot for one team or another, regardless of whether or not they have possession of the service. These are the things that make you score points:

  • When the ball touches the ground of the opponent’s court.
  • When the ball touches the ground out of bounds and the last player to touch it was from the opposing team.
  • When an opposing player holds or pushes the ball.
  • When a player goes under the net and interferes with the game.
  • When the opposing team touches the ball more than three times, or one of the players touches the ball more than two times in a row.
  • If, when serving, one of the players does not respect their rotation position.
  • If a player from the opposing team hits the ball over the net, but in the opposing court.

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