LivingTravelWhat is a giant panda like?

What is a giant panda like?

Take a look at the Giant Panda’s historic habitat and you can easily get depressed. The panda’s habitat used to cover most of southern and eastern China, as well as small chunks of Myanmar and Vietnam. These days, giant pandas only live in small pockets, mostly in the mountains of Sichuan province.

Pandas are extremely lonely, and seeing one in the wild is very rare. They look like big teddy bears, but in reality, they are very shy and like to be left alone. The best place to see them in action is at the Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Chengdu.

The Loner – Giant Pandas in the Wild

Pandas are loners. Although they appear to have been carnivores at some point in their evolution, they adapted to eat only plants, and only bamboo, but retain a solitary nature unlike other herbivores. They keep a small territory and do not roam too much. They also do not have rigid schedules, they eat, sleep and play when and where they feel like it. However, the Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base notes that more than 50% of a panda’s day is spent eating, more than 40% is spent sleeping, so all that remains is dedicated to the game.

Lonely hunts for a partner

In the spring, for just three months, pandas older than at least 7 years old search each other for the mating season. After mating, the pandas retreat to their own territory.

Thirsty Pandas

Pandas love water and make their homes near a water source. Pandas sometimes binge drink and act drunk, making it even more beloved by the Chinese people as legends surround why the panda does this.

Playful pandas

Pandas are playful and not aggressive at all. Mountain dwellers reported sneaking into their homes and playing with cooking pots and pans and then discarding them in the forest. They are also known to make friends with domestic animals such as a sheep or a pig and sleep and eat together with them.

Shy Miss Panda

The Chinese nickname the Panda “Miss Panda” as they often exhibit shy, even shy behavior such as covering their face with a paw or ducking their head when faced with a stranger.

Not so shy Mrs. Panda

In particular, mother pandas protect their young as you might expect, just like any other bear. Don’t come between a mommy panda and her baby if you meet one in the wild.

See giant pandas

If you want to see and experience giant pandas that seem extremely well cared for, you should definitely visit Chengdu on your itinerary. The Giant Panda Base is the best place for a 100% guaranteed viewing. Read more about the Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center to schedule your visit there.

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