Tech UPTechnologyWhat is a YouTube channel and what is it...

What is a YouTube channel and what is it for?

The figures are more than evident: 2,000 million users use YouTube every month, while, in a single second, more than 80,000 videos are viewed. In turn, it is estimated that 37 percent of global traffic would be found on this video platform, well ahead of Facebook (8.4%) and Snapchat (8.3%).

Hence, it is more than likely that, in recent days, you have viewed the odd video hosted on this platform, even if it was for just a few minutes (or even seconds).

However, if you think it is time to have your own YouTube channel , to become a new youtuber , with all the possibilities and advantages that this entails when you get good results, it is necessary to know what it consists of and, for example, what it can be useful for.

In fact, YouTube channels are the essence of the platform , since without them, as we will see, the platform simply would not exist (mainly because it is the medium used by users, or professional youtubers, to upload their videos) . But let’s go in parts.

What is a YouTube channel and what does it consist of?

When we become a user or member of YouTube, the platform assigns us a personal channel , which is divided into a series of sections to show a brief personal description, thumbnails of the different videos that we have uploaded, the members who have subscribed. , videos of other members (that we have chosen as favorites), and a list of members who would be our friends, among others.

Therefore, we could define the YouTube channel as a kind of home page for the account of a certain user , so that, after we register on the platform, enter and approve the corresponding information, the channel will show the name of our account, as well as a brief personal description.

Then, we can upload the different videos that we have created to our channel, offering us the possibility of exploring YouTube as if it were just another social network, instead of a single database full of videos. Thus, we can find users who like the same types of videos as we do, and discover what they are watching.

Although at first, when we access for the first time, our personal channel is empty, YouTube itself helps to make its configuration as simple and simple as possible, since after completing the information in our profile, we can adjust the combination of colors from our personal channel, either using color schemes proposed by the platform itself, or creating your own using the hexadecimal color values.

Then, with the help of an equally simple menu, we can modify the design of our personal channel, being able to choose which sections we want to show and which not, add a profile image and a header background.

What can it be useful for?

Since a channel becomes the personal presence of a certain member (user) on YouTube, acting in a similar way to how a profile would on a social network (such as Facebook or Twitter), we can view all the content that has been uploaded. the same.

But it is also the place where the different videos that we upload to the platform will be shown , so it will be the way that we could use so that the rest of the users know us and interact with them.

In addition, navigating through the different channels is actually very simple, being able to directly view popular channels and subscribe to them if we wish; in this way, when we access YouTube again we can easily view the latest videos uploaded by our favorite channels.

How to watch channels on YouTube?

Actually, it is quite simple. You just have to go to the YouTube Feed, which the platform has expressly designed to find some of the most popular channels , organized by themes (categories or sections).

Thus, we can find channels of all kinds, distributed in The best of YouTube, Beauty and fashion, Comedy, Sports, Music, Technology, Videogames, Cooking and health or Cinema and entertainment. Of course, in case we find a channel that interests us, we can visit it by clicking on it, or subscribe directly, touching the Subscribe button.

And you, do you already follow our channel on YouTube? You will find videos of Science, Technology, Nature, Health, Curiosities and our special section ‘Science with Lau’. Do not miss it.

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