LivingTravelWhat is lava shell massage?

What is lava shell massage?

Lava Shell Massage is a relaxing massage that uses the heat generated by the interior of four beautiful shells, either polished Philippine tiger-striped clam shells or porcelain shells. The therapist simply inserts a sachet of minerals, dried seaweed, and algae into the shell, adds seawater, and recaps it. The chemical interaction between the ingredients creates heat within the shell that lasts for an hour or two.

The therapist does not need to be near a source of electricity, ideal for outdoor massages. Lava shells are also easier to master because they are smaller and the therapist gently glides them over your body. Some spas only offer Lava Shell massages because preparation and cleaning are so much easier. With hot stone massage, dozens of basalt stones of various sizes need to be soaked in hot water, usually in a large electric turkey toaster, before treatment and carefully disinfected after treatment.

While a Lava Shell massage has some similarities to a hot stone massage, particularly the element of heat, it also has some important differences. It is primarily a relaxing massage that warms and relaxes the muscles without much pressure. If you want a deeper job, hot stone is a better option.

What is a lava shell massage like?

When I received a lava shell massage, the therapist lightly massaged my body, using the long traditional strokes of Swedish massage while holding the shells. What I liked was how the clam shell fit into the palm of your hand, so that you could feel both the warmth of the clam shell and the touch of your fingers. They are also highly polished so they glide easily on the skin and feel great. I also liked the fact that Lava Shells held their heat longer than stone, so you didn’t have to interrupt the massage to change stones as often.

The Lava Shells were too hot when they first touched my skin, but they got cold quickly. Shells get hotter the longer they sit and cool when worn, and it can be a bit tricky to control the temperature. As always, you should speak up if the shells are too hot, especially in the beginning. I am also sensitive to noise and noticed a slightly distracting hiss and it turned out to be the two Lava Shells waiting to be used.

The Lava Shell massage is very relaxing and gentle, and it is a good option if you like heat and just want to relax. If you have specific muscle aches and pains that you want the therapist to address, it might be best to use a combination of deep tissue work and hot stones.

Most therapists use hot stones to warm up the muscles, then work more deeply with their hands. They also place the stones on the abdomen, in the palms of the hands, even between the toes. So get a hot stone massage if you want more of a deep tissue massage. However, the quality of a hot stone massage is highly dependent on the therapist’s technique.

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Watch Now: What To Expect During A Hot Stone Massage

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